the one in your phone -- you can see a small light shining out of the front element).
Here, you can see a faint pink glow from the IR LED. This is picked up on most digital cameras and cell phones.
Note that the cable wires for the micro:bot are different as opposed to the ones used in this image.
Hardware Hookup
Like the motors, you should have already hooked up the line sensors during the assembly portion of this guide.
You can go there now for the full assembly instructions. Double check to make sure that the wires are hooked up
to your line sensors correctly!
The line sensors hookup to your moto:bit via female / female jumper wires that snake through the chassis of your
robot up to the moto:bit. The sensors hookup to the moto:bit in the following order:
Double check to make sure they are hooked up correctly and in the proper orientation: