UberBoard v2
284.0979 [
6175 Longbow Drive, Suite 200
: 80301
bouLDer, CoLoraDo
2 0 0 8 . 0 6 . 1 2
the uberboard v2 is the second generation development board that
brings together an array of our favorite gadgets, all linked together
with an LPC2148 arM7 processor. Simple-to-use sample code is
provided and pre-installed on the board when you get it, and all
code is open source and compiles with winarM.
• LPC2148 ARM7 processor
• Telit GM862 Cellular port
• US Globalsat EM-408 GPS module port
• BlueSMiRF port
• Freescale MMA7260Q accelerometer
• Micro SD socket
• RS-232 and USB communications, plus optional JTAG
• Auxiliary UART port, plus used GPIO made easily accessible
Hardware Description
we’ve divided the board into sections to better describe the
hardware, shown in figure 1.
Power input and switch
5v-9v, 500ma, 3mm barrel jack, center positive.
RS-232 serial input and select switches
with the switches in the left positions, the serial line goes
directly to the LPC2148’s uart0. when the switches are in
the right positions tX, rX, CtS and rtS go directly to the
gM862 cell module. the upshot of this is to make it possible
to do firmware upgrades to the gM862, and also to make
troubleshooting easier (“is it my code, or is it the hardware?”).
when performing a firmware upgrade in the gM862 cell
module, set the LPC2148 program/run switch to program.
this will keep the logic lines between the processor and the
cell module in a hi-Z state.
Mini USB connector and optional JTAG connector
the LPC2148 processor is capable of uSb communication, so
we’ve provided the interface. open source libraries for uSb
and the LPC2148 are available, but are not integrated with the
sample code. also, 99% of the work we do with the LPC2148
at Sparkfun does not involve JTAG (we generally just use the
serial bootloader), but we’ve provided the port should the user
wish to employ it. Pin 1 is at the top left in section 3 of the
Tri-color status LED
who doesn’t like blinky things? the sample firmware makes
no use of the status LeDs after the initial power-up sequence.
that is left up to the user.
LPC2148 reset button and program/run select switch
the reset button only affects the processor, no other devices.
to program over the serial line with the on-board bootloader,
set the select switch in the down position. to run your code,
set the select switch in the up position.
Auxiliary UART1 port, BlueSMiRF port and EM-408
uart1 on the LPC2148 is shared between several devices by
means of a 2-channel multiplexer. Section 6 shows 3 of the
uart1 interfaces, those being for a blueSMirF, a uS globalsat
EM-408 GPS module and an auxiliary port for the user’s own
discretion. the fourth device that can be accessed is the
gM862 module.
Manual power on/off button for the GM862 module
GM862 connector, status LED and audio lines
this is where the cell module plugs into the board. the status
LeD serves the cell module alone. and it’s not fair to assume
Figure 1.