In addition to the Arduino IDE software itself (if not already installed), two downloads are required:
First, retrieve the thermal printer Arduino library from our repository on GitHub. Click the
DOWNLOAD ZIP button near the upper left, extract the archive and then rename the
uncompressed folder to Thermal. Confirm that this folder contains the files Thermal.cpp and
Thermal.h and the examples folder.
Second, download the Adafruit "Tweet Receipt" code from its own repository, extract the
archive and then rename the uncompressed folder to Gutenbird. Confirm that this folder
contains the file Gutenbird.ino. This code is reliant on Arduino 1.0 features and will not work
with Arduino 0023 or earlier.
Place the Thermal folder inside your Arduino Libraries folder. You may need to create this folder if it
does not yet exist. In Windows, this would be (home folder)\My Documents\Arduino\Libraries and for
Mac or Linux is (home folder)/Documents/Arduino/Libraries We also have a tutorial on library
Place the Gutenbird folder inside your Arduino sketch folder.
After installing both the library and sketch, restart the Arduino IDE. You should now be able to access
the Twitter sketch by navigating through the menus: File?Sketchbook?Gutenbird
Program the Arduino
You'll want to edit the Gutenbird sketch to match your particular network setup. First, edit the
Ethernet MAC address to match the value you previously wrote down from the sticker on your
Arduino Ethernet board or shield.