SP-TP7 Preliminary User Guide
© 2020 SP Controls, Inc.
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Phone: 650-392-7880
Toll-Free: 877-367-8444
Fax: 650-392-7881
INTRODUCTION: The TP7 touch panel is a touchscreen that works as a front-end control
interface for SP Controls’ Networked Room Controller (PX2-NRC-1142).
Contact SP Controls technical support for assistance with initial configuration.
POWER: Use the 5-volt power supply (SP-TP7), or the PoE splitter (SP-TP7-POE) if you will be
connecting the TP7 to a switch that can supply power over Ethernet.
SETUP SCREEN: To get to the TP7’s setup screen, touch and hold the four corners of the
touchscreen simultaneously. This usually works best if you start with your fingers just outside
the corners of the screen on the black bezel and slide them slowly inward. On the setup screen,
there are five tabs:
NRC Setup
NETWORK: The TP7 will communicate with one NRC, or a number of NRCs, over Ethernet. The
TP7 will need to be connected in one of two ways:
Wired via Ethernet to a shared network with the NRC(s), or
Wired via Ethernet directly to the NRC’s Ethernet port
When connecting the TP7 to a switch or router, the best option for this screen is to leave it
blank and let the IP info be assigned automatically via DHCP. If you must use a static IP
address, you will need to know what IPv4 values to enter for your network.
When connecting the Ethernet port on the TP7 directly to the Ethernet port on an NRC, if the
NRC and TP7 both still have their default Network settings, they should connect automatically.
If you have previously changed the TP7 from the default settings, assign it a static IP address of
NRC SETUP: If connecting to a single NRC, enter the IP address of the NRC, along with its user
ID, and password, into the right pane. If you have more than one NRC you want to control, click
the green
to add an NRC address to the list. If you need to delete an NRC from your list,
touch that NRC in the left pane to highlight it, then click the red
. Use the black up and down
arrows to change the order that the NRCs appear on the control screen.
UPDATES: Connect to the Internet and check this tab frequently for bug fixes and feature
updates. During the development period, we will release bug fixes and feature updates often.
SYSTEM: Configure screen brightness, sleep timer, and click sounds settings here.