BIOS Setup
BIOS Features Setup
Run the BIOS Features Setup as follows.
1. Choose ÒBIOS FEATURES SETUPÓ from the Main Menu and a
screen with a list of items appears. (
The screen below shows the
BIOS default settings.
Virus Warning : Disabled
CPU Internal Cache : Enabled
External Cache : Enabled
Quick Power on Self Test : Enabled
Boot Sequence : A,C,SCSI
Swap Floppy Drive : Disabled
Boot Up NumLock Status : On
Gate A20 Option : Fast
Typematic Rate Setting : Disabled
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec) : 6
Typematic Delay (Msec) : 250
Security Option : Setup
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop : Disabled
Assign IRQ for VGA : Enabled
OS Select for DRAM >64MB : Non-OS2
Report no FDD for WIN95 : Yes
ESC : Quit
↑ ↓ → ←
: Select Item
F1 : Help PU/PD/+/– : Modify
F5 : Old Values (Shift)F2 : Color
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
Video BIOS Shadow : Enabled
C8000-CBFFF Shadow : Disabled
CC000-CFFFF Shadow : Disabled
D0000-D3FFF Shadow : Disabled
D4000-D7FFF Shadow : Disabled
D8000-DBFFF Shadow : Disabled
DC000-DFFFF Shadow : Disabled
2. Use the arrow keys to move between items and to select values.
Modify the selected fields using the PgUp/PgDn/+/Ð keys. <F> keys
are explained below:
ÒHelpÓ gives options available for each item.
Shift <F2>:
Change color.
Get the old values. These values are the values with
the user started the current session.
Load all options with the BIOS Setup default values.
Load all options with the Power-On default values.
A short description of screen items follows:
Virus Warning
Enable this option will allow BIOS to protect the
boot sectors and partition tables of your hard disk.
Any attempt to write to them will cause the system to
halt and display a warning message.
CPU Internal
This option enables/disables the CPUÕs internal
cache. (The Default setting is Enabled.)
External Cache
This option enables/disables the external cache
memory. (The Default setting is Enabled.)