Hardware Setup
PW2 — ATX Power Supply On/Off Switch Connector
(Momentary Type)
Attach a two-pin switch to this connector for turning the ATX power
supply on/off.
J22 – Turbo LED COnnector
Attach the turbo LED to J22. The LEd lights when the system is in the
Turbo mode.
J24 – HDD LED Connectors
Attach the cable of hard disk drive LEDs to this connector. The LED
lights when an HDD is active.
JP43 – CPU Cooling Fan Connector
This 3-pins connector provides 12V power for the CPU cooling fan
which matches the pin assignment of this connector. If you enable the
Suspend Mode function in BIOS setup, this fan will stop when the
system is into the suspend mode.
Pin Assignment
JP44 – Wake-On-LAN (WOL) Header
Attach a 3-pin connector from the LAN card which supports the Wake-
On-LAN (WOL) function. This function lets users wake up the
connected computer through the LAN card. (The cable should be
included with the LAN card.)
Pin Assignment