Sovereign AH4G Installation And Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 7


This hob should not be installed where it can be affected by draughts.
Your Gas Engineer will inspect the proposed position of installation
and advise you accordingly.


This hob should be connected to the natural gas supply by m eans of an
approved flexible hose (not supplied).


The ignition is m ains operated. Connect the appliance cable/13am p
plug to an adjacent 13am p socket ensuring that the cable is kept well
clear of surfaces that are likely to becom e hot.


A 3am p fuse is fitted to the plug.


Under no circum stances should you ever check for gas leaks using a
m atch or naked flam e.


This appliance as supplied is design ed to run on natural gas
only. H o w ever, should you w ish to operate your appliance on
LP G your G as E ngin eer m ay be able to carry out a conversion
for you. LP G conversion kits are available from S overeign at an
addition al cost.


Any changing, adjustm ent or cleaning of gas injectors m ust be carried
out by a suitably qualified Gas Engineer.


Full details of gas pressure requirem ents etc are provided on the
appliance data plate.

S ection 2. S afety Advice


N e v e r a llo w c h ild re n to p la y w ith th is a p p lia n c e o r o p e ra te th e

a p p lia n c e u n s u p e rv is e d .


T h is a p p lia n c e is m a n u fa c tu re d a n d in te n d e d fo r D O M E S T IC u s e

o n ly . T h e g u a ra n te e o ffe re d w ith th e a p p lia n c e is n o t v a lid fo r a n y
in s ta lla tio n in a c o m m e rc ia l e n v iro n m e n t.


A lw a y s tu rn o ff th e e le c tric ity s u p p ly b e fo re c le a n in g th e e x te rn a l

s u rfa c e s o f th e a p p lia n c e .


T h e e x te rn a l s u rfa c e s o f th is a p p lia n c e g e t h o t d u rin g u s e . T a k e

c a re w h e n u s in g th e a p p lia n c e a n d k e e p c h ild re n w e ll a w a y .


T h is a p p lia n c e m u s t b e in s ta lle d b y a s u ita b ly q u a lifie d G a s

E n g in e e r.


S h o u ld y o u r g a s h o b d e v e lo p a f a u lt , c a ll t h e S o v e r e ig n

S e r v ic e H e lp lin e o n 0 1527-573010 .


Summary of Contents for AH4G

Page 1: ...OHP60DSSEG comprises SBIO60DSSE Oven AH4G Hob Pack SOHP60WEG comprises SBIO60WE Oven AH4GW Hob Pack AOHP60WEG comprises SBIO60WE Oven AH4GW Hob Model shown is Stainless Steel version Please read these instructions carefully before attempting to install or use this appliance It is advisable to keep these instructions in a safe place for future reference ...

Page 2: ...eference Included is some important safety information in addition to guidelines and recommendations that will enable you to take full advantage of all the functions available This quality appliance has been tested and certified to meet all applicable UK electrical and safety standards This appliance must be installed and connected in accordance with current regulations by a qualified electrician ...

Page 3: ...c use only If the appliance fails to work properly during the first year period contact the Sovereign Service Help line on 01527 573010 The appliance will be repaired or replaced at the manufacturer s discretion at no cost to you If the guarantee has elapsed you will be given a quotation for any repairs or parts required The model and serial number together with details of your sales receipt must ...

Page 4: ...1 75kw Burner Description Of The Appliance Stainless Steel Surface 1 75kw Burner Gas Burner Control Knobs Spark Ignition 3 0kw Rapid Burner 1 0kw Burner Pan Support 3 ...

Page 5: ...CONTENTS Section 1 Installation Section 2 Safety Advice Section 3 Operating the Appliance Section 4 Maintenance 4 ...

Page 6: ...tallation Advice The Law states that gas appliances must be installed by a fully qualified Gas Engineer R em ove all packaging m aterials and any protective film applied to the appliance surfaces W ipe the stainless steel s urface w ith a soft dam p cloth The kitchen room where this appliance is to be installed must have adequate ventilation Your Gas Engineer will inspect the room and advise you a...

Page 7: ...nversion kits are available from Sovereign at an additional cost Any changing adjustment or cleaning of gas injectors must be carried out by a suitably qualified Gas Engineer Full details of gas pressure requirements etc are provided on the appliance data plate Section 2 Safety Advice N ever allow children to play w ith this appliance or operate the appliance unsupervised This appliance is m an uf...

Page 8: ...d and press the ignition button until the burner lights W hen the burner has lit adjust the flam e intensity to the desired setting Use pans that have a thick flat solid base Always ensure that the pan is positioned central over the relevant burner in order to avoid the pan becoming unstable Control Knob 1 operates the Top Right Hand burner 1 75kw Control Knob 2 operates the Top Left Hand burner 1...

Page 9: ...y w ater see diagram below W hen the above parts are rem oved clean the area around the burner body w ith w arm soapy w ater G ently clean around the injector and spark electrode R efit the burner skirt and cap onto the relevant burner body ensuring that they are positioned correctly N B T h e b u rn er w ill n o t re ig n ite if th e skirt an d cap are n o t lo cated o n th e b u rn er b o d y co...

Page 10: ...this appliance m ay not be treated as househo ld w aste Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipm ent D isposal m ust be carried out in accordanc e w ith local environm ental regulations for w aste disposal For m ore detailed inform ation about treatm ent recovery and recycling of this product please contact your local ...
