Make sure the MicroSight microscope is plugged into the USB port and the software is open.
Begin by clicking on the Preference Tool icon in the function keys. The Preferences
screen will appear.
You will see where your videos and images are stored.
VIDEOS To change the location of where your videos are, click on the Video File Folder drop
down menu and select “Select Other Folder”. You can choose individual student folders, class
folders, subject folders etc. You can choose to save all videos to your desktop and then move
them into the appropriate folders or redirect the software to send them directly to a specific
folder each time you take a video.
IMAGES To change the location of where your images are, click on the Image File Folder drop
down menu and select “Select Other Folder”. You can choose individual student folders, class
folders, subject folders etc. You can choose to save all images to your desktop and then move
them into the appropriate folders or redirect the software to send your images directly to a
specific folder each time you take a video. Images may be saved as JPEG or PNG by selecting
the Image File Type drop down menu.