SoundTracs Solo Live Operator'S Manual Download Page 27

Summary of Contents for Solo Live

Page 1: ... i st qs ENE H il fi ffi h ffi k4 w w kq bs bt h gOUNDTRAGSH SOLO LIVE MixingGonsole Operator s Manual t I ...

Page 2: ... Module Input SeCtiOn o o D o D rr 5 6 The Equalisgr o o Insertion Point r r o o r e 8 Thg Auxiliary Sgction r r o o o r 9 Output SgCtion o r r r o o 11 Master Section o 13 HeadphongMonitor o o t7 PowerSupply o 21 Rear Panel Connectors o oo o 22 Interconnection Installation o 25 Earthing t i rr r r 26 Jumper Unk Settings rt r 2 l u ...

Page 3: ...ith 16 71 and32inputs respectively The consoles havefour subgroups in addition to stcreoand monomaster outputs Theconsole isparticularlysuitablefor PA andstereo recordinBapplications An internal power supplyis providedon all consolesexceptthe 32input model Thishasancxtcrnal19 rackmountingsupply Soundtrecr SOI rt ...

Page 4: ...TEB MODULE Master Outpnt Eqtnllrer The cqualiseris verysophisticated setof tonecontrols It allowsadjust mentsto bcmadcto thefrequency spedrum6f signels It maybe usedas acreative deviccor asacorrective devicc c g toboct tbetop endof adull srgRal 1be equalisermaybc switchedin or out of circuit This allowsa quick comparisonto bc madebchpecnthe sigeal bcfore and after the equaliscr The tigld is fcd fr...

Page 5: ... thestereornasters Sigals routedto thesubgroups appearat group outputsonthere ar panel but tbe subgroupsignals mayalsobe routed to themasters Thisisaccomplished usingtheMIX andPAI contrplson the subgroup Subgrouprng in this s xycanfacilitateopcrationconsiderably For example dl thednrm andpercussion input channels couldbe routed to groups1 and2 Subgroups 1 and couldthenberoutedto thc stereo masters...

Page 6: ...sideoftheconsole Thesemodules takcamicrophoneor linelevel input slgnal adjrxt its gein allow it to bc proccsscdby the channsl equaliser fedto erCernal cffectsfor furthertreatment andthenroutedto goup andmasteroutputs In ft rt I NT t ril rl t rut t Fil mil t ilf t il 3 t rE ...

Page 7: ...epressedthe LINE signalis scleaed GAIN This control is nscdtotrim the gainof the input stagein order that the input sigpal may be matchedto the opcrating level of the mixer cbannel Careful matching of the input gain allowsthe optimum signalto noiseratio to be achicved Thc input gain shouldbe adjusted by scttingthe cha nelfaderto S and adjustingthe GAIN control until the sbal is at a convcnicntleve...

Page 8: ...lter hasafrequen cybreakpoint of l2kllz andashelving responsc lrFl 15 lSdB This rotary control adjuststhe amountof boostor cut appliedto the signatby thehigbmidfilter of theequaliser Up to 15dB of boostor cutmaybeselected 350 tk Thisrotarycontroladjuststheoperat ingfrequency ofthehrgh id frequency filter of the equaliscr Thefrcqucncyis sweepable be tween350H2and8kHz ThisFrlter hasapeakiry ell shap...

Page 9: ...anda shelving resPonse EQ This is usodto switchthe equaliserin or out of the chat tel signalpath When the switchis in the raiscdposition the cqueliscr is switchedout of the channelsignd path Whenthe ss itchis dcpresscdthe cqualiseris switchedin to circuit ...

Page 10: ...a35ingls sigpalatatime A compressor reduces thedynamicrangeof asigna either to eliminatetransientpeakswhichBay causeowrloadi g or to makea slsal tighlsl andmore punch A noisegateattenuates or reducesthe gain whenthe signal opo belowa presetlevel to render any noiseless obtnrsivenhen therearegapsin thesignal A noiscgatemayalsob used creatively e g to gatethesignalfrom areverberator Reverberators ar...

Page 11: ...control adjuststhe amountof signal sentfrom the channelto auxiliarybrs 1 The sigal sour is switchablebctweenr PRE and FOST fader ATIX2 Thisrotarycontroladjrutstbeamountof signal sentfrom the chan cl to aruiliary brs 2 The sipal sourccis switchable benveen PRE and FOST fader PRE FOST Ihisswitchsetects the bd souroeforarxiliary sendsI and2 Whenthc switchis in the raised position the PRE sigBalis set...

Page 12: ...he Elgal sourcc for this scnd is FOST fader 34t54 Thisswitchisrsed to detcrminethebtrsdcstisationsfor AIIX 3 5andAIIX 6 Whenthe switchis in the raiscdpositionthc rotary control AIIX 3 5 fecdsto auxiliarybus3 andcontrolALIXtV6fccdsto aruiliary bus4 When the switchis depressed controlALIXyS fc dsauiliary bus5 and control ALIXtUj fecdsto auxiliarybus6 ...

Page 13: ...rom the channel is scnt to masters PAT Thisrotarycontroldetermines theassign entof signalfrom thechannelto left and rigbt or odd andevcngoups When thc pan pot is set centrally slgnalissentequdlyto dl selected groupsandmasen Turningthecontrol anticlochryisc sendsrelativelymorc rignd to thc left masterand to thc odd numbcred groups 1and3 Turningthepotclockwisc sends relatively moresigealtotherightma...

Page 14: ...tiratedSdBbeforetbconset of clipping distortion Thc inputGAINcontrolshouldbc adjustedsothat theLED doesnot flashcxceptonthehighestlercl brief ransisats Using excesqive amountsof booeton thc chenneleqrnliscr maycausedistortion on the ihannel if thishappcosturn thc ioputGAIN control down FN ER Thc channclfadcr is a lfi mm travel audiofadcr It adjuststhe level of sigDal sentfrom 1f schannelto thegoup...

Page 15: ... Section The masterseclionis sinratedon the rigbt handside of the consoleand compriscsthc four subgroupgthc stcrcomastergthc stereoreturns the auxiliarymasters andthc ssmmrrnicstions section 13 SoundtnetSOLO ...

Page 16: ...sterbusses WhenthePanPotissetcentral ty stgoalis sentequally to the left and right busses Turning thc control anticlockwise scnds relatively Eorc srsal to thc left busthan to the ngft andvicc trcrsL Thus the control maybeusedto adjusttbc positionof thegroup signalin tbestereo i age AFL Prcssing thisAfter Fadcr Listenswitchroutes post fader srgDal from thc group to the head phonemonitoroutputson th...

Page 17: ... auxiliaryout put For optimum pcrformanccthis shouldbe setto around7or 8 on thescale andthe input level of the effectsunit bcing fed from the arx output shouldbeadjustedto operatewith this levelsf signal ATL Pressing this After FadcrListen switchroutes post fader i c LEVELcontrol srgnal from the auxmasterto the headphone monitor outputs on the front andrear panelsof the console At the sametime all...

Page 18: ... theleftandrigbtrigrr Whensctcentrallythe balancebct rcn left andright is eqo l assn rngthattheleft andrigbt input signalsareequal in level Turning the control anticlochpisc in creases thelevelof theleft signalrelativeto the left signal andvicer rsa ta fhis switchroutessignatfrom thestereoreturn groupsI and2 Wheatheswitchis depressed siglal fromthechannelis sentto groups1and 2 Whentheswitchisin th...

Page 19: ...chroutes talkbact sifal to dl four groupbusses simul taneously Headphone Monltor The headphonemonitor fepdsa stereojack socheton thefront panelof theconsote Theheadphone monitmnormallymonitorsthe stercomasteroutputg but maybc switchedto monitor a two trackrcturn Whenevera PFL or AFL functionis sctcAcdon the consolethe headpbone monitorisautomati lly reassigned to monitorthePFUAFI ed sigpalG MON PH...

Page 20: ...cordedprqgr e rnaybc easilyplayedbackfor auditionwithout theneedlo useup or re patci inputchanneb 2 While slereorecordi g is in progresstbe cdrecr can monitor the rccorded f 1 off tapc to cnsurcthat thc rccordcd sigpalis acccptable e g heefromtapcdropouts PHONES This 02f stereojact headphoncoutput nay bc uscd with any pair of headphones of 2 trohns or grcaterimpedancc Thc sockediswireatip left iga...

Page 21: ...thesu of tbetwocomponcnts of thestereomaster sigtat The level ef srral sentto the mono output is controlled by the MoNo fader lbe nono output sigpd is clearoaically bdanced and appoarsat amalc LR connectoronthe rear panel Thcmonooutputissctatthefactorytoderiveitssigmnls frompostthesterco mastcrfaderg but maybc resct to dcrive its signalfrom pre the stereo faders This is accomplishcd by movingintcr...

Page 22: ...dirpl y monitorsthc output levelof the stereo master outputs IndlcatorLEDs sou ThisI ED is iuunimted whenever anypFL or AFL switchon the console isdepressed i e AFL or pLF aaive 4tv ThisLED is illrrminated whenthephantompower is switchedon Phantompoweris switchedon and off foi all channelscolleai ry uy switchontherearpanelof thcconsole PowEn This LED iltuminatesufren thc consolcis switchedon and i...

Page 23: ...owersupply isviaanIEC typ connector ThethrecDC voltagerailsfrom thepowersupplyisfed to tbeconsoleviaacablel t6iaxting in amultipole bayonettypcconnector A mainsvoltagcselector isfitted to therearpanel of thepowersupply Thismustbeadjusted to suitthelocalsupplyvoltage The consolemaybeuscdwith AC voltagesin theregions100vto 120vand ffiv to240vat 50Hzto 60Hz ThecrCernd supplyprovidesthreeregulated DC ...

Page 24: ...r Out TapeSend TapeRerurn StereoR eturn LR fenale StcreoJacL StereoJack Jack LR male LR de LR nrale StereoJack Jack L R onStercoJacl L R onStercoJac L R onStereoJacL I R onStereo Jact Balanced Balanced SendandReturnUnbdanced Unbalanced Balanced Balanced Balanced SendandReturnUnbalanced Unbalanced Unbalanccd Unbalanccd Unbalanced Unbalanced ...

Page 25: ...ckuredrtereoInprnorodput rlgnel Tip Irft sigDal Ring Right srgnal Slecra Sifd Ground Stereo Jrck ured lor Inlest lnrertlon polnt Tip SignalSend output Ring SigDal Return input Sleeve SigndGround XLRConnectors All LR connectors maleandfemale areusedfor batancedsignalsand wired Pin1 Stgnal Ground Pin 2 Hot inphase sipal Pin3 Cold antiphase rigtd ...

Page 26: ...n only Balancedoutput to unbalanced input C onnedthe screenat the souroe only I inlrthecoldoutputtogroundattheoutputconnector Unbalancedoutput to balanccdinput Conncctthc screcnat tbe destina tion only C onnect the coldinputto groundat theinput connector fP lld lh FhD dgnr BI G Cold rtr ph Egnd STEFYE 8ctst f3tound Storeo d Plugwircdfor conncctionb Bdlnccd hPut TPftrn 0 F r0 Sagrd siE td cdF4 Slgn...

Page 27: ...tallation Theperforman of anyhighqualityPA systeq ufiether pennanentor on the road canverycartlybc dcgradcdby poor installation This chapter outlinesthemostoommon problemgandc4plains howbcstto avoidthem t t L ...

Page 28: ...copperstakeaboutforu fcct in lengthshouldbe hammered intothegroundoutsidethc building The heavydutycoppcr earthingwire shouldbeclampedto thestakeby meansof a purposebuilt edhog clamp obtainablefrom anyelectricalcfrolesalers Connectlng equlpment to earth AII quipment in the PA sptem mustbe connededto earth The most suitables stemof earthingisa dualstar points 6tcm The first star point is at the nix...

Page 29: ...eotherpair of pinsto select a PRE FADER srgpal lJ JB cfiich consists of2pain of linlrpinsrelatesto arx sends 2 These linlrcseledthesourcc for thePRE ignd to thescscnds ThePOSTsignal is unaffercted bythescttingof these jumperlinlq The linls arefactoryset to PRE FADER Movetbejumpcr link to theotherpair of pinsto select a PRE EQUALISER signal Master PCB 6 r inkqareprovidedon tbemasterPCBto sele ct th...

Page 30: ...T f T T T s I w I ffi I I I r thcq F ri l I u z o I t I t t a UO tl a ll Ll tr 3 rC tl i 3 I T F n f E l lr J 53 t F I 5 rsr l r I F3 il ll HE g I z u I x I z a V 0 c LU H J o J o a ...

Page 31: ...l o t 3 a bE uJu 3 u U o n u a i cl i a I a 3 i c z o c a 3 o i c u t d 4lt l E ii au tt tt l tl ii al il rl ti tl rll ii ir il t iil r l l ll tr t li l a3 ii at E lll arU 3 3 3 F o a i a a t o U x 3 J3 3 r3 ua o t a ur a3 Ja 3 r3 u3 o 1 a I ut IE u o tt h I a it I u r T ol I i u L 3 I i rJl l I I I lr I I l ll H I I I I I I I lr lr t A i rl r t L I I I I I rl l UI F ul o to ui ul G Jnag 1t lrrg9 ...

Page 32: ...a u al a n i t l tl o 3t rl l a a t u i I a i a C I ri a C T a i i 3 3i t i 1 F lf l3 lJl lIi tc I t l 3 a t i u o o o I a I a a a r_ a t Jraa r 3 arat a a I I a tJ I t I a a i u rr l1 llrl xl1 atr l l l l 5tr1 11 actl o o o o t a u 3 7 I i l I i 0 i ei Sal rIIl kfir r rul illi L L l 7 r i r llT l fr A sL3l_f3 r gfl i i f L a 35 Il l eT ii A i I J 0 I r r rrr i q a B alJ i rld ig L l ETT lrilr t 0...

Page 33: ...coN6003 tl MoN I ron I o F l 1E8H roaouF rgv R tg 17R R 8 tgK R52 17n R53 rgR coN3 vR2 POtAAgsgS MONI TOR HEABPHONE LEVEL R32 68K R30 AKz RilS 6gBF D3 F086f or oa gB R Yl9tol l3 c ilt rlll G rtrl t trt fFaitY lqiEtt ct ttc I rtt tr mttoa oa t tr oo trttta Lct ro I Lto til r r l rlFca nnir ttl titil ntt lta oDaax ot tqlctf rct ttc SOUNtrTRACSPLC tr lILt ltr0 fttal Cl l El rtl arll ilLr aat ta ttlt ...

Page 34: ...rl E i G v t t i t E v i F t E tt t z a i GI l IJ t o F I IJ i I t u u t i D U t a ID o E rl 0 t t o N L v S D ii 5 r r t iLr I ot t U Ets L i o F c u I t G F ILU UJ J t t f o ID i o N U zlrSsBlod ea v t i o N G GI o t n ii T3 u N 3 9 o o F o 0 i tte oo JJ FF tl L U ii o tl L t arl euu i n n c r E E i t u o Y F i G N E v o i o N E gr v rl i ct E v e E i o FI E FI F I tll q v o a r E u ID E i g l v...

Page 35: ... l I J rl l i1 li I ri lo t i c l o o 1 i3 l I rl ir ri rl 1 il 1 iI i I t rl l i l l l jt e rl I it u tt il r l tl il f o ii E Fi U ti illl il FI rl l n ll tl tl il n tl _Ll il il ij ll G a i 6 E 6 3 oz ao tr oa o o o o i o o o o i g o to f zo o UE U 6l z u I 7 I CBg t 3 aa n l L i o g o c e o D a t J u i u x a n G v i a I J i 3 Y 3ts L a o u i o 3 u o U i lt t t tHgtu aat t tzJ alllge oa eU o u ...

Page 36: ...a r a u a 4l a a iau o 3 a d I I acgr t fl a rlft o I o a a a lccrf l f t r 21 rcgrl fI o rrf t aaEsl trr Jll tu nal tJ E lato l c1 nat E7 I T I O a It l ai a Y U l l ta rat 4 al ltl U 6 ta ot a l1 t a a o I I r acen l ll g tr3l Cl o a a a ECCnI f 1 2 gtJl lcci l ll o t rf t 92551 Ctr uaa tE taag t c lCCir f I tt C2l tccrl l r ral rcC rl fl a gJl rtFl l ll a ral 6CCnl tt a eal t6Gftf l ll a Caa ac...

Page 37: ... u J o t I a t IJ I I it L t I r J 0 a I iv Nz UH 0 azg00 tw ie 1E 8 IJ l6 I iv _z UF o o o i l o B i 9 i r 1 r t Oi N1 ns FB qetr s 3 i6i ilil Il t l stu l tl l e i l 0l ql 6 o o o i N o lY t t lH lxj 2 LB Jn8g8 1 l ll3 Jn009r sta cNgar e ta 2 G f F o i I o z i o z E ol N J I U i N u JN8B8 L TJ JNgE I E z G l F e r sl Eg Nj F G l io iiz o o N I u ftl IJ 8 800 80 SEBgo zt zNZ laf zNz t I t IE o N ...

Page 38: ...S UNDTRAGSH 91 EwellRoad Surblton SurreyI T66AH England Telephone 081999 ggg2lgl08 Fax 0glg9g6821 TelexB9S10zg STRACS G ...
