Controls & Functions
10. B+ Terminal (Battery positive)
Due to the power requirements of the Amplifier, this c onnec tion should be ma de
direc tly to the po ) termina l of ba ttery. For sa fety mea sure, insta ll a n in-line
fuse Holder (not inc luded) a s c lose to the ba ttery po ) termina l a s possible with
a n a mpere ra ting ; not to exc eed tota l va lue of fuses in Amp.
9. LED Indicator
PWR(Powe r): This G REEN LED will illumina te whe n the a mplifie r is turne d "O N". If it fa ils
to illumina te , c he c k the powe r c onne c tions to the Amplifie r a nd fuse s.
PROT(Protec tion): The a mplifier protec tion c irc uitry will disa ble the a mplifier if input overloa d,
short c irc uit or extremely high tempera ture c onditions a re detec ted. When the protec tion
mode is in opera tion, the LED indic a tor on the side pa nel will be illumina ted, indic a ting the
a mplifier ha s gone into a self-preserva tion mode.
If you observe tha t the Protec tion LED is lit, plea se c hec k the system c a refully to determine
wha t ha s c a used the protec tion c irc uit to enga ge. The a mplifier c a n be reset by turning the
remote power off a nd then on a ga in. If the a mplifier shut down due to a therma l overloa d
c ondition, plea se a llow it to c ool down before resta rting. If the a mplifier shut down bec a use
of a n input overloa d or short c irc uit, be sure to repa ir these c onditions before a ttempting to
power up the a mplifier a ga in.
11. Remote Power On