65 Aleksandar Stamboliyski Str., 8000 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 56 710710, Fax: +359 56 836700
Email: [email protected], Web: www.sound4.com
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Installation packages for MS Windows and Linux Ubuntu OS are available.
Windows users
The Universal Products Installer is the installation kit for all SOUND4 Products, additionally it
is necessary to download Stream Extension, in order to add necessary encoders to the system.. The
programs are provided free of charge and can be downloaded from
Upon entering the section, click on and download Universal All Products Installer. Once the
process is completed install the .exe file. SOUND4’s products are compatible with the Microsoft
Windows Operating Systems listed below:
• Windows 7 - 32 & 64 bits
• Windows 8 - 32 & 64 bits
• Windows 10 - 32 & 64 bits
• Windows Server 2008 - R2
• Windows Server 2012
• Windows Server 2019 (except Core version)
Due to Microsoft security changes, your operating system must be up-
to-date, if not SOUND4 Driver will be disabled by Operating System and you will be not able to
run the SOUND4 Remote Control Software.
Linux Ubuntu OS
SOUND4 proposes you to install the software package under your own Ubuntu. Compatibility
with Ubuntu distributions:
• Lucid Lynx - 10.04 LTS
• Precise Pangolin - 12.04 LTS
• Trusty Tahr - 14.04 LTS
• Xenial Xerus - 16.04 LTS
• Bionic Beaver - 18.04 LTS
Installation For a PC running compatible Ubuntu version:
Click on the following link to add SOUND4 repository:
If you also want to install:
- Install the driver with following link:
- Install the SOUND4 server with following link:
- Install the SOUND4 Stream, with following link -
- And to install SOUND4 Remote Control, please use the following link:
If you prefer to manage package installation by yourself, please follow the instructions below:
1. Add the following source to your Ubuntu repository list (example for lucid):
deb http://www.sound4.biz/repository/ubuntu lucid non-free
Then get the SOUND4 GPG signature key:
wget -q http://www.sound4.biz/repository/sound4.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -
3. Install required packages:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sound4exp1 sound4server sound4remote
4. Add the user to the audio group (needed for Alarm Stacker GUI):
sudo adduser $USER audio
5. Log off and on to make the settings effective.