Document revision 1.1 – Last modification : 30/05/08
PSL2 Assembly guide
Safety warning
This kit is main powered and use potentially lethal voltages. Under no circumstance should someone undertake the
realisation of this kit unless he has full knowledge about safely handling main powered devices.
Please read the “DIY guide” before beginning.
Print or open the following documents :
PSL2 Schematic
PSL2 Components layout
PSL2 Parts list
PSL2 Setup guide
Follow this guide from item number 1 till the end, in this order. The assembly order is based on components height, from
low to high profile, in order to ease the soldering process : The component you are soldering is always taller than the
previously assembled ones and it is pressing nicely against the work area foam.
PSL2 Assembly guide
1. Diodes
Add D2, D7, D12, D1, D3, D6, D8, D11, D4, D10, D13. Use a lead forming tool to cleanly bend the
leads at 0.4”.
: Make sure to respect the direction of the diodes which is marked by a ring on the component
and a double line on the PCB marking.
: Do not insert D12 in the wrong hole. It is bended at 0.4” like R7 next to it.
2. Resistors
Add R1 to R9. Control the resistor values with a digital multimeter. Bend the leads at 0.4” with a lead
forming tool.
3. Leds
Add D5, D9, D14
Bend the leads at 7mm from the body taking care of the anode position
(the longest lead).
: it is easy to bend the leads in the wrong direction !
Solder the LED so it rests on the board. Start by soldering one lead,
adjust the position, then solder the second lead.
4. Test pins
Solder the 4 test pins TP1 to TP4.
Copyright ©2007 SoundSkulptor
7.00 mm
Anode : long lead