Sound Oasis BST-100 Instruction Manual Download Page 5

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Sound Oasis®

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sleep better. feel better. live better









Power Sources

Your BST-100 can operate as a wireless, cord free sound machine or a 
wireless Bluetooth speaker because it includes a built-in rechargeable 
battery. You can also keep your BST-100 plugged into a USB power 
source for continuous operation without recharging.

To Power By Built-In Rechargeable Battery:

1. Prior to using your BST-100 in the wireless, cord free mode for the first  
  time, please completely charge the built-in battery.
2. Connect the provided USB Charging Cable to a compatible AC-charger,  
  computer or laptop USB port. The unit’s CHG red LED is brightly  
  illuminated while charging. It takes about 2 to 3 hours to charge the  
  battery. When charging is completed, the CHG red LED will be very dim.
3. Disconnect the USB Charging Cable and operate your BST-100 as  
  described below.
4. When the unit is in low power status, the red CHG LED and amber LED
  will flash. Please recharge the battery of your BST-100 when this occurs.

Note: When the battery is fully discharged, it needs about 30 minutes of 
charging before you can use the unit again.

To Power By USB Charging Cable:

1. Connect the provided USB Charging Cable to a compatible AC-charger,  
  computer or laptop USB port. 
2. Operate your BST-100 as described below.

• Amber LED indicates sound will play from the micro SD card.
• The solid amber light will turn off after about 10 seconds so  
  the light does not interfere with your sleep.

• Red LED indicates that your BST-100 is charging.
• The red LED will stay lit until your BST-100 is fully charged –  
  then the LED will dim to a very dim level.

• Insert an optional audio cable with 1/8” (3.5 mm) plugs to  
  play music from an external device (e.g. iPhone®, iPod®,  
  MP3 player or CD player) through the unit’s speaker system. 

• Your BST-100 comes with a micro SD card preloaded with  
  Sound Oasis sounds. The micro SD card must be inserted  
  into this slot in order for you to play the sounds on the micro  
  SD sound card.
• You may insert new micro SD cards preloaded with other  
  MP3 sounds or content (see the Using Other Micro SD
  Cards section of this manual). Please check for our download library.

• Plug-in your headphones for private listening.
• The headphone jack accepts a 1/8” (3.5 mm) monaural or  
  stereo type plug.

• Your BST-100 can operate as a hands-free speaker for your  

• Insert included USB charging cable to charge your BST-100’s  
  battery or power your BST-100 from a USB source.

Summary of Contents for BST-100

Page 1: ...Instruction Manual Bluetooth Sleep Sound Therapy System Model BST 100 Sound Oasis www soundoasis com ...

Page 2: ...ppeoplesleep relax blockannoyingnoise managetinnitusand increaseprivacy Youcanplaythebuilt insoundsfromtheincluded microSDcardorstreamnewsounds musicfromanyBluetoothenabled device e g smartphone tablet computer etc Youcanevenaddnew soundsbyinsertinganewmicroSDsoundcard YourBST 100includesarechargeablebatterysoyoucanenjoy5 8hours ofwirelessplaytimeoryoucankeepitpluggedinwiththeincludedUSB chargingc...

Page 3: ...dinthismanual Afterextendedperiodsofstorage itmaybenecessarytocharge anddischargethebatterypackseveraltimestoobtainmaximum performance Thebatterypackgivesitsbestperformancewhenitisoperatedat normalroomtemperature 68 F 23 For20 C 5 C Intheeventfluidfromthebatteryleaksfromtheproduct donot allowtheliquidtocomeincontactwiththeskinoreyes Ifcontacthas beenmade washtheaffectedareawithgenerousamountsofwat...

Page 4: ...uetoothStreamed Sounds sectionofthismanual Presstodecreasethespeakervolumeincrementally Press andholdtodecreasethevolumecontinuously Presstoincreasethespeakervolumeincrementally Press andholdtoincreasethevolumecontinuously Presstoalternatebetweenplayingsoundsfromyour BluetoothsourceorsoundscontainedinyourmicroSDcard WhenyoufirstturnonyourBST 100 itwilldefaulttothe Bluetoothmode BlueLEDindicatestha...

Page 5: ...minutesof chargingbeforeyoucanusetheunitagain ToPowerByUSBChargingCable 1 ConnecttheprovidedUSBChargingCabletoacompatibleAC charger computerorlaptopUSBport 2 OperateyourBST 100asdescribedbelow AmberLEDindicatessoundwillplayfromthemicroSDcard Thesolidamberlightwillturnoffafterabout10secondsso thelightdoesnotinterferewithyoursleep RedLEDindicatesthatyourBST 100ischarging TheredLEDwillstaylituntilyou...

Page 6: ...soundis8hourslongsoitplaysthroughout thenight Afterplayingthroughthe8hoursoundtrack yourBST 100 willautomaticallyplaythenextsoundtrackonthelist PlayingBluetoothStreamedSounds Your BST 100canalsooperateasaBluetoothspeakersoyoucanstream newsounds musictoyourBST 100 Tostreamsounds musicfromyourBluetoothenableddevice e g yourmobilephone musicplayer PC laptop toyourBST 100 pleasefollowthesesteps 1 Pres...

Page 7: ... comandchoosewhichspecifictracks youwouldlike WewillthenpreloadyourowncustomMICROSD CARDwithyourselectedsoundsandshipittoyou OPTION3 3 Move dragsoundfilesfromyourcomputer smusiclibrarytoanew MICROSDCARD UnlesstheyareSoundOasissoundtracks sounds fromyourmusiclibrarywillnotbe8hourslong Asaresult theBST 100willplayeachshorttrackandthenskiptothenextsoundonyour MICROSDCARDlist StreamingSoundOasisAPPS S...

Page 8: ...torrelocatethereceivingantenna Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver Connecttheequipmenttoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromwhichthereceiver isconnected Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio TVtechnicianforhelp ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules Operationissubject tothefollowingtwoconditions 1 Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference 2 Thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencereceived i...

Page 9: ... product orlossofparts orsubjectingtheproducttoanythingbutthespecified voltageorbatteries Thiswarrantyisinlieuofanyotherwarranty expressorimplied Allimplied warranties includinganyimpliedwarrantyofmerchantabilityorfitnessforany particularpurpose arelimitedindurationtoone 1 yearfromthedateoforiginal purchase InnoeventwillSoundOasisCompanyberesponsibleforincidental consequential orspecialdamagesresu...
