Thank you for purchasing a Micro Z (pronounced
“Micro zee”) antenna tuner. The Micro Z has been
designed to provide a wide matching range across
the 7 to 28MHz frequency range (40m-10m). Like
any tuner, the precise range will depend on the
antenna that you are tuning.
The Micro Z is a modified version of the popular Z match network. It was designed
using a network analyser to optimise the matching range. This resulted in the
development of a different variant of the Z match. The design has six windings in total.
It may (possibly) be a new variant.
The Micro Z incorporates an match-indicator LED. The brighter it glows the better the
match, so tune for maximum brightness. The brightness will vary from band to band and
will be less with lower power levels. The match indicator is always in circuit which is useful
as you can see if you have a transmitter or antenna problem while using the Micro Z.
There are two tuning
controls and three input
terminals. Using these
options allows a wide
range of impedances to be
matched. The best way to
explore how the tuner
works is to use an antenna
analyser. The Youkits
FG01 is perfect for this job.
To use the tuner, connect
your transmitter to the
input BNC connector. Connect the antenna to the black and first red terminal. With the
transceiver in receive mode, adjust the variable capacitors while listening for an increase in
noise or signal strength. This will roughly adjust the tuner.
Set your transceiver to allow a carrier to be sent (FM, AM or CW). Set the power level to
between 2 and 5 Watts. Key up the transmitter and adjust the two variable capacitors while
watching the LED. If is illuminates, carefully adjust the controls for maximum brightness.
The controls will interact so an iterative process is required.
If no match is noted, move the red terminal to the other red socket and repeat the process
above. Patience is required!