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The Bio Tuner Model BT9 Manual
eleCtriCAl speCifiCAtions
poWer reqUirements
Use a 9–Volt Alkaline battery for optimal operation.
optionAl poWer inpUt
the Bio tuner can also be operated using rechargeable batteries. When purchasing
rechargeable batteries, it is suggested to take the unit with you to ensure the batteries
will fit the enclosure.
oUtpUt speCifiCAtions
maximum <1.5mA peak ~40 Volts peak-peak into typical 4k ohm load. minimum
<~10uA, 10 Volt peak-peak at lowest setting. output impedance ~20k ohm.
1,000 hz (+/- 1%) pulse-modulated by 111.11 hz (+/- 1%). Waveforms are Quartz
crystal-controlled for precise frequency output. there is also a broad range of
harmonic frequencies delivered in each pulse as observed on a frequency domain
spectrum analyzer.
Bio tUner modes
MODE 1-3 (550 uS pulse width)
mode 1: 1,000 hz modulated by 111.11 hz,
output = continuous
mode 2: 1,000 hz modulated by 111.11 hz,
output = 1 Second on, 1 Second off (0.5 hz)
mode 3: 1,000 hz modulated by 111.11 hz,
output = Amplitude modulated by 7.83 hz Schumann (earth) Sine Wave
MODE 4-6 (220 uS pULSE WIDTh)
mode 4: 1,000 hz modulated by 111.11 hz,
output = continuous
mode 5: 1,000 hz modulated by 111.11 hz,
output = 1 Second on, 1 Second off (0.5 hz)
mode 6: 1,000 hz modulated by 111.11 hz,
output = Amplitude modulated by 7.83 hz Schumann (earth) Sine Wave