rst time the controller is turned on
and after the language and time are set,
a query appears as to whether you want
to parametrise the controller using the
commissioning help or not. The commis-
sioning help can also be terminated or
called up again at any time in the special
functions menu.The commissioning help
guides you through the necessary basic
settings in the correct order, and provides
E.2. - Commissioning help
brief descriptions of each parameter in the display. Pressing the „esc“ key takes you
back to the previous value so you can look at the selected setting again or adjust it if
desired. Pressing the „esc“ more than once takes you back step by step to the selec-
tion mode, thus cancelling the commissioning help. Finally, menu 4.3 operating mode
„Manual“ should be used to test the switch outputs with the consumers connected, and
to check the sensor values for plausibility. Then switch on automatic mode.
Observe the explanations for the individual parameters on the follow-
ing pages, and check whether further settings are necessary for your
E.3. - Free commissioning
If you decide not to use the commissioning help, you should make the necessary set-
tings in the following sequence:
- Menu 10.
- Menu 3.
Time, date and operating times
- Menu 5
Settings for heat circuit, all settings
- Menu 6.
Settings for cooling, all settings
- Menu 7
Protective functions if necessary
- Menu 8.
Special functions if necessary
Finally, menu 4.3 operating mode „Manual“ should be used to test the switch outputs
with the consumers connected, and to check the sensor values for plausibility. Then
switch on automatic mode.
Observe the explanations for the individual parameters on the follow-
ing pages, and check whether further settings are necessary for your