3. Power it on
Connect the device to the power socket and turn it on
Connect the appliance to the power supply using the power cable from the scope of
supply. Turn the appliance on. The power switch is on the back side of the housing next
to the power supply plug. Once the security system has booted completely, you’ll hear
an acoustic signal: five beeps in a row.
4. Connect your Workstation
Use your browser to make the initial connection to the Admin Console
You will need to configure a workstation with the necessary LAN properties to access
the Admin Console. You can change these settings later to match your existing
network. The location of the menu for these settings depends on the operating system
of your client.
With Windows 7, the menu can be found under Start >> Control Panel >>
Network and Sharing Center
Start the browser and enter the management IP address of the device’s LAN port your
PC is connected to::
Login with user/PW admin/admin.
Quick Start Guide
XG 85w/105w/115w/125w/135w
Workstation connection properties
Configure your network interface to either use
DHCP or use the following static entries:
IP address:
Netmask: Enter
Standard gateway: Enter the IP address of
the device’s internal network card
(Port 1/LAN):
DNS server: Enable this option and enter
the IP address of the internal network
card (Port 1/LAN):
Power switch