Before disposing of or giving your PS Vita system to a third party
for any reason, deactivate your system and delete all the data
on your system. This will help prevent unauthorized access to or
use of your credit card or other personal details.
1 Back up your data
You can back up your PS Vita system data to a PlayStation
system or a computer using
(Content Manager). Back up
your data as necessary. For details about backing up data, refer
to the user's guide.
You can restore the backed up data to a new PS Vita system using
(Content Manager).
2 Deactivate the system
The system cannot be deactivated after it is given away or
disposed of. The number of PS Vita systems that can be
activated on one PlayStation
Network account is limited, so
deactivate the system before disposing of it. For details about
system activation, refer to the user's guide.
Deactivate each content category by going to
[System Activation]
and tapping the content categories.
3 Restore the PS Vita system
Restore the PS Vita system settings to their default values and
delete all of the data in system memory. If you do not restore the
PS Vita system, a third party may be able to gain access to and
use your personal information and credit card number.
[Restore the
PS Vita System] and follow the on-screen instructions to
complete the operation.
Before disposing of the system
The PS Vita system is made of plastics, metals and a Lithium-ion
battery. Follow local regulations when disposing of the system.
Sony products can be recycled for free in the United States and
Canada by dropping the product off at a number of nationwide
locations. Visit www.sony.com/ecotrade and www.eco.sony.ca
for details.
Before disposing of or transferring
your PS Vita system
SCEA shall not be liable for any direct and indirect,
consequential, or special damages, including any damages
that may arise from unauthorized access to or use of the data.
Never remove the screws and never remove the battery from the
system. Tampering with the system will void the warranty and
result in refusal of service from SCEA. For details, see "LIMITED