GasLab Q2 displays and operating the device
GasLab Q2
G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
Page 71 of 135
7.3 Operation and modes
The aim of this chapter is to make you familiar with the operation of the device and to explain the
device modes.The monitoring of the devices functons, which does not require special handling,
is presented first. Subsequently, operating instructions for the normal operation and more
complex modes and functions, e.g. Calibration is given.
7.3.1 Monitoring of the devices functions and the security switch
All main device functions can
be observed and operated “on site” directly on the device’s
operation panel, the interactive screen and on the remote control panel.
When several people access the device, a mutual agreement is always required,
since the operation panels influence each other.
The interactive screen turns to black if no touch is made for a
parameterizable time, since the lighting is switched off
The remote operation panel is always visible. As long as the connection
exists, it is updated constantly. If the connection (Ethernet) is interrupted,
the most recent values are displayed. A new connection is necessary to see
current values again
A screen icon
could appear in the bottom line of all displays. This icon only appears when a
remote operationl panel is active. Only one icon is displayed, regardless of the real number of
remote operation panels. It is possible to observe and carry out each function on all operation
panels. Depending on situation some additional icons are shown too, e.g.
(someone is logged
in) or
(security switch (SSW) open). See also following figures.
Figure 7.38: Displays in normal operation
Figure 7.39: Displays with logged in user
Figure 7.40: Displays while remote operation panel is active
Figure 7.41: Displays with logged in user and remote operation panel is active