Move.Me User's Guide
Figure 5 Client Connection Information
Display Elements
The Move.Me Control application shows the following configuration status:
IP Address and Port Information:
Displays the IP address and port number on which the server
listens for connections.
Camera Status:
Displays the status of the camera: Unplugged or Plugged.
Motion Controller Status:
Displays the overall status and any status flags for each
PlayStation®Move motion controller.
Connection Count:
Displays the active number of clients connected. The platform supports a
maximum of four.
Connection List:
Displays the current list of clients connected, including the connection IP address
and port number and the client’s refresh rate.
Server Log:
Displays the last 10 lines of the server log. Server log events are emitted when a client
connects or disconnects or sends a request.
User input
When no clients are connected, the server captures and processes button presses on the motion controller.
When at least one client is connected all user input is passed through to the connected clients and button
presses are not processed by the server.
Use buttons on the motion controller to perform the operations listed in Table 1:
Table 1 Motion Controller Button Functions
Move button
This must be done while pointing the controller at the
PS button
To quit the server, press and hold the PS button until the
menu appears. Select ‘Quit Game’ to quit. This works
regardless of whether or not a client is connected.
Number of Client
Connection List
Server Log