Sleep Timer
Day/Night Function
3 Step brightness control (Hi, Mid, Lo)
12-Hour time display
Battery Type
Remote: CR2025 battery (1)
Output Power
3.5W + 3.5W (at 10% harmonic distortion)
Power Back-up
Battery back-up: CR2032 battery (1)
Power Requirements
120 V AC, 60 Hz
Speaker Dimensions
Approx. 2 1/4 inches (5.7 cm) diameter, 6 Ohm
Weights & Measurements
Dimensions (Approx.)
11 3/8 x 5 15/16 x 5 1/2" (290.5 x 152 x 139.5 mm) including projecting parts and controls
Weight (Approx.)
4 lbs. 4 oz. (1.94 kg) including power supply unit
1. Compatible with:
iPod touch 3rd generation
iPod touch 2nd generation
iPod touch 1st generation
iPod nano 5th generation (video camera)
iPod nano 4th generation (video)
iPod nano 3rd generation (video)
iPod nano 2nd generation (aluminum)
iPod nano 1st generation
iPod 5th generation (video)
iPod 4th generation (color display)
iPod 4th generation
iPod mini
iPod classic
iPhone 4
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 3G
© 2009 Sony Electronics Inc. Sony, and the Sony logo are trademarks of Sony. iPod and iPhone are a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Features and Specifications are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measures are approximate.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. All rights reserved. Sony, like.no.other and Remote Commander are trademarks of Sony. iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc.
March 30, 2011 11:58 AM