The HSR advantage: HDD/DV Hybrid recording
The HSR recorders use both a hard disk drive (HDD) and a DV (digital video) tape drive for storage.
Images are first stored on the hard disk and then, at given intervals, are automatically transferred
to DV tape. Unique DV tape technology adds the advantages of high - density recording, large
storage capacity and superb picture quality - in other words innovative video performance. The
hybrid approach of this system dramatically reduces the burden on the tape drive and minimizes
Why the hybrid recording system is superior to conventional
digital recorders
To many, digital recording means recording directly to a hard disk. But that is not the whole
story : even digital systems can compromise picture quality because of storage-capacity limitations.
Both for archiving purposes and to make space for new recordings, data on the hard disk must
be transferred to another medium such as DAT. With the HSR’s hybrid recording capabilities there
are no compromises: the large storage capacity provides high picture quality, and archiving from
the HDD to DV tape is done automatically while the unit continues to record.
New features of the HSR-1 and HSR-2
Network capability with SNT-V304*
Larger HDD capacity More than 4 GB More than 20 GB
*Version 2.00 or higher required
DV Tape Drive
Hard Disk Drive
DV Signal Transfer
HSR-1 Recording Process