The HDW-750/730 produces pictures with astonishing color
reproduction capability and offers controls that offer further
creative color manipulation.
Multi Matrix
Multi Matrix offers unique possibilities for creative control by
allowing selective color enhancement or alteration. It allows
a particular color to be selected and its hue changed over a
range of approximately 22.5 degrees. The level of saturation
can also be modified. This control allows very interesting “in
camera” effects – similar to the secondary color correction
normally reserved for post production special effects work –
and is performed at the full bit depth.
Color Balance
Consistent scene-by-scene color balance is widely accepted
as one of the key settings during production. There are a
number of ways of setting this when working with an
HDW-750/730 camcorder. By using Auto White (and Black)
balance, the HDW-750/730 gives an accurate overall color
balance. A Menu “Paint” functions allow color levels to be
adjusted on-set according to creative needs. For this
operation, the RM-B750/150 paint controller can be
connected and paint parameters can be remotely adjusted.
Auto Tracing White Balance
This function allows automatic tracing of white balance in
situations where overall color temperature of the lighting
fluctuates. This is particularly useful for continuous shooting
that requires a subject to be followed from outside to inside
(i.e. from daylight to tungsten lighting) with no opportunity
to re-set the color balance of the camera.
Color Temperature Control
Digital Color Temperature Control makes it possible to dial in
the required color temperature of the camera. In addition,
this function can be used creatively. The overall color
balance of the picture can be changed to make it ‘warmer’
or ‘colder’. On the other hand, for Optical Color
Temperature treatment, four types of color filters are
equipped as standard. The BKDW-701 optional Servo Filter
Drive Unit can also be attached to the camera, allowing CC
filters to be remotely controlled.
Multi Matrix ON