1. Executing IOP measurement
In order to execute IOP measurement, the following standard pro-
cedures must be followed.
1. In power on, while pressing the [
] and the [
] buttons simul-
taneously, turn the [MASTER VOLUME] dial in the direction
of (+).
Remocon Diagnosis Menu
0. External Chip Check
1. Servo Parameter Check
2. Drive Manual Operation
3. Emergency History
4. Version Information
: Ver. XX.XX (XXXX)
: Ver. X.XXX
5. USB Test Mode Setting
Model Name : XXXX_XXXX
2. Select “2. Drive Manual Operation” by pressing the [2] button
on the remote commander. The screen will appear as shown.
Drive Manual Operation
1. Servo Control
2. Track/Layer Jump
3. Manual Adjustment
4. Tray Aging Mode
5. MIRR time adjust
0. Return to Top Menu
3. Select “3. Manual Adjustment” by pressing the [3] button on
the remote commander. The screen will appear as shown.
Manual Adjust
1. Track Balance Adjust:
2. Track Gain Adjust:
3. Focus Balance Adjust:
4. Focus Gain Adjust:
5. Eq Boost Adjust:
6. Iop:
7. TRV. Level:
8. S curve(FE) Level:
9. RFL(PI) Level:
0. MIRR Time:
O o
Change Value
[RETURN] Return to previous menu
4. Select “6. IOP” by pressing the [6] button on the remote com-
5. Wait until a hexadecimal number appear.
Manual Adjust
1. Track Balance Adjust:
2. Track Gain Adjust:
3. Focus Balance Adjust:
4. Focus Gain Adjust:
5. Eq Boost Adjust:
6. Iop. 47:
7. TRV. Level:
8. S curve(FE) Level:
9. RFL(PI) Level:
0. MIRR Time:
[RETURN] Return to previous menu
O o
Change Value
6. Convert each data from hexadecimal to decimal using conver-
sion table.
7. Please
nd the label on the rear of the BU (Base Unit).
The default IOP value is written in the label.
8. Subtract between these two values.
9. If the remainder is smaller than 93 (decimal), then it is OK.
However if the value is higher than 93, then the BU is defec-
tive and need to be change.
10. Press the [RETURN] button on the remote commander to re-
turn back to previous menu.
11. Press the [0] button on the remote commander to return to Top
2. Emergency history
To check the emergency history, please follow the following pro-
1. From the Top Menu of Remocon Diagnosis Menu, select “3.
Emergency History Check” by pressing the [3] button on the
remote commander. The following screen appears on the on-
screen display.
Emg. History Check
01. 01 05 04 04
Laser Hours
00 92 46 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 23 45
02. 02 02 01 01
00 A9 4B 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 23 45
[Next] Next Page [Prev] Prev Page
[O] Return to Top Menu
2. You can check the total time when the laser is turned on during
playback of DVD and CD from the above menu. The maxi-
mum time, which can be displayed are 999h 59min.
3. You can check the error code of latest 10 emergency history
from the above menu. To view the previous or next page of
emergency history, press [
] or [
] button on the remote
commander. The error code consists of the following three
blocks. The
rst block indicates the error code. The second
block indicates the parameter and the third block indicates the
time of error code as shown below.
• Error Code
Emg. History Check
01. 01 05 04 04
Laser Hours
00 92 46 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 23 45
02. 02 02 01 01
00 A9 4B 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 23 45
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[O] Return to Top Menu
*1 : Error Code
*2 : Parameter of error code
*3 : Time of error code