Restoring the PS3™ system
Restoring the PS3™ system
If you restore the default settings or restore the PS3™ system, changes to
the settings cannot be undone. Data loss or corruption is the responsibility
of the user.
Do not turn off the PS3™ system during this operation. If the operation is
cancelled before completion, the system software may become damaged,
and the system may require servicing or exchange.
During this operation, the power button on the system and the PS button on
the wireless controller are not active.
You cannot use this feature to go back to an earlier version of the system
Restoring default settings
You can restore from the current settings under
(Settings) to the
default settings by selecting
(System Settings)
[Restore Default Settings].
After you complete the operation and restart the system, the initial
setup screen will be displayed. Follow the on-screen instructions to
perform initial setup of the system software ( page 15).
Deleting data on the hard disk drive
You can delete all data on the system’s hard disk and restore from the
current setting under
(Settings) to the default settings by selecting
(System Settings) [Restore PS3™ System].
You can shorten the time required to perform this operation by selecting
[Quick Format] from the list of hard disk format options. It is
recommended that you select [Full Format] when formatting a hard disk
that contains important or sensitive data.
After you complete the operation and restart the system, the initial
setup screen will be displayed. Follow the on-screen instructions to
perform initial setup of the system software ( page 15).
Before disposing of or transferring the PS3™ system
Before disposing of your PS3™ system or giving your PS3™ system to
a third party for any reason, including return (where permitted), be sure
to follow the instructions in "Deleting data on the hard disk drive" and
select [Full Format] to delete all the data on your PS3™ system. This will
help prevent unauthorised access to or use of your credit card or other
personal details.
SCEE shall not be liable for any direct and indirect, consequential, or special
damages, including any damages that may arise from unauthorised access to
or use of the data.
Where you see either symbol on any of our electrical products, batteries or
packaging, it indicates that the relevant electrical product or battery should not
be disposed of as general household waste in Europe. To ensure the correct
waste treatment of the product and battery, please dispose of them in accordance
with any applicable local laws or requirements for disposal of electrical
equipment/batteries. In so doing, you will help to conserve natural resources and
improve standards of environmental protection in treatment and disposal of
electrical waste.
This symbol may be used on batteries in combination with additional chemical
symbols. The chemical symbols for mercury (Hg) or lead (Pb) will appear if the
battery contains more than 0.0005% mercury or more than 0.004% lead.