6. ATA Command Specification
Execute Device Diagnostics
SONY AIT-1 Turbo drive SDX-460V series Ver.1.0
Table 6-2: Diagnostic Codes
Code Description
When this code is in the Device 0 Error register.
Device 0 passed, Device 1 passed or not present.
Device 0 failed, Device 1 passed or not present.
Device 0 passed, Device 1 failed.
Device 0 failed, Device 1 failed.
When this code is in the Device 1 Error register.
Device 1 passed (see Note 1).
Device 1 failed (see Note 1).
If Device 1 is not present, the host may see the information from Device 0 even though Device 1 is selected.
Error outputs
Table 6-2: Diagnostic Codes shows the error information that is returned as a diagnostic code in the Error register.
This command is accepted regardless of the state of DRDY.
This command performs the internal diagnostic tests implemented by the device. The DEV bit in the Device/Head
register is ignored. Both devices, if present, execute this command regardless of which device is selected.
If the host issues an EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC command while a device is in or going to a power
management mode except Sleep, then the device executes its EXECUTE DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC sequence.