When you go out: "EZ Navi Walk"
You can display various menus convenient for going out.
Route information (voice prompt) for your destination
or search shops/facilities around
See your current position or selected map
Search transit/time table or railway information
See real time route information nationwide
Help information for various settings or search by web
Membership registration or inquiries
The star symbol shows that you can use your voice to enter search terms. This is called
"Voice input" function.
1 Some menus are paid service.
Your Current Position Map
The result of the fi rst
measurement is displayed as
on the map. Your current location
will be displayed as
in real
time by successive measurement.
3D Navi
Change to 3D display around
guidance point or your destination.
Navigation engine by NAVITIME JAPAN
Map: Shobunsha Publications, Inc./
Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
3D data: ZENRIN CO., LTD./
GEO Technical Laboratory Co., Ltd.
Z06A-No. 2137
When you try to fi nd nearest evacuation sites or your way home: "Evacuate
Even when you have diffi culty to get connected due to large scale disaster, W52S provides map/route
information for evacuation sites or your way home using preset map data ("Evacuate Area Map").
Also, you can download various application programs from "Evacuate Navi" EZwebsite (for example,
"Route Home Map" program provides map/route information between two places you specifi ed, like
"Offi ce to Home").
To get these map/route information, you need to save GPS information
of your home to phone book on au cellphone, and set it as destination
To use some of the programs, application fee is charged respectively.
Map: Shobunsha Publications, Inc./
Preparation: Asia Air Survey Co., ltd.
For the use of EZ Navi, data communications fee is charged. And to use some of the services,
information fee is charged in addition to the data communications fee.
Regarding evacuation sites or other disaster related information, follow instructions by police,
fi re brigade, or local authority. Those instructions always take priority over the provided
map/route information on the screen.
For the use of "Evacuate Navi," it may take a short while to get GPS information of your
current location depending on the GPS satellite conditions.
The screen layout and contents are just examples, and may differ from the actual screen.
Evacuate Area Map Route Home Map