White paper |
The Sony Ericsson Hazel™ phone
October 2010
DLNA (Digital Living Home Alliance)
DLNA is a term used to describe an inter-device media transfer technology. Designed to allow an array of
devices in the home to communicate and share content and experiences. DLNA devices can include Hi-Fi
equipment, TVs and PCs.
Supported Device Classes
DMS – Digital Media Server
Media Types: Music, Images, Video
Summary: The digital media server exposes the media
files in your phone to a Wi-Fi network. The media can then
be accessed from a DLNA client such as a PS3 or even
another phone.
DMP – Digital Media Player
Media Types: Music
Summary: The digital media player lets you access music
that is stored on a DLNA DMS (digital media server) and
play it in your phone.
DMC – Digital Media Controller
Push Controller for Images, Music
Summary: The push controller lets you stream local con-
tent in the phone to a compatible rendering device such
as a BRAVIA™ TV, or a compatible stereo system.
Media Home and Media Go™
Media Types: Music, Images, Video
Summary: The Media Home application in your phone lets
you transfer media files from Media Go™ on your
computer. Media Go™ lets you organise, transfer, play
and sync your media files.
Supported Bearers
DRM Support
The Sony Ericsson DLNA implementation does not sup-
port DRM protected content.