Embedded applications controller mode
2 Technical Description of Controller Mode
The radio device’s mode of operation can only be changed
on power up. Thus, to change the radio device between
Normal and Controller Modes, the radio device is reset.
The Embedded Application needs to call the Reset
function (rst()) specifying the mode to reset into – either
Normal or Control Mode. The radio device will then reset
into that mode.
When the radio device is reset into Controller Mode:
The radio device performs a software reset, jumping back
to the software start vector and beginning as from a
standard power up.
The radio device detects a pattern in flash to indicate that
Controller Mode is required on this power up. Software
then initializes only the hardware blocks that are required
for Controller Mode.
The OS initializes and all the processes are started. All
GSM software processes and interrupts are disabled,
apart from those servicing the watchdog and essential
timer features.
The radio device synchronizes the 13MHz clock to the
RTC clock before switching off the radio circuits and
regulators and starting the Embedded Application.
The script must be setup so that it is run from startup and
checks the status of the mode using a system status flag.
This will allow the script to switch between functionality
that works in Controller Mode, and functionality that is run
in Normal mode.
Limitations – restricted functionality
The operations in Controller Mode are limited to those
using the low level hardware interfaces and simple utility
functions. The functions that can be called in Controller
Mode are restricted, due to the fact that the GSM software
is non-operational. A list of the IFL functions and their
support in Controller Mode is given below. For IFL Name
Descriptions refer to Appendix A.
LZT 123 8015 R1A