w to use mail
" 全受信 "
All e-mail is received.
" 指定受信設定 "
This filters e-mail from a spammer who pretends to be a user of a
cellphone or PHS
" 一括指定先 "
This groups together and sets all Internet and cellphone domains, and
receives only e-mails that arrive from those domains.
" 個別指定 "
This specifies the section preceding @, the domain or the entire e-mail
address, and receives only those specified e-mails.
" 指定拒否設定 ":
This blocks reception of only e-mails containing the section preceding
@, the domain or the entire e-mail address.
" なりすまし規制 ":
This filters e-mail from a spammer who pretends to be a user of a
cellphone or PHS when you set
To change your e-mail address
By changing your e-mail address, you can prevent spam from being received. To change
your e-mail address, see page 39.
Oh darn...
03.6.27, 9:45 AM
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