S o n n e n A u s t r a l i a P t y L t d
6 0 4 S o u t h T o w e r
1-5 Railway Street, Chatswood
NSW 2067
ACN 611 337 547
0408 802 388
Grid operation
no grid outage
In grid-connection operation protection against indirect
contact is ensured by the residual current device (RCD)
at the feed to the socket outlet of the sonnenProtect
Figure 3: Grid operation
Emergency operation
grid outage
In an emergency backup or no grid-connection operation
protection against indirect contact is ensured by the
residual current device (RCD) at the feed to the socket
outlet of the sonnenProtect unit.
If a grid outage occurs, the connection to the public grid
is disconnected in the storage system. The plug outlet (1)
is supplied with electrical power from the storage system
until the battery’s minimum
charging status is achieved.
If an insulation fault occurs (RE < RAL), then the RCD
terminates the connection to the MCB and socket outlet.
When the insulation fault no longer exists, the
connection to the plug outlet is re-established once the
RCD reset switch in reversed.
When in backup mode the electrical power will be
supplied until the backup buffer of the storage system
batteries is depleted. Once the backup buffer is used up
and the battery’s minimum state of charge has
reached, the plug outlet of the sonnenProtect is no
longer supplied with electrical power.
Figure 4: Emergency backup operation