© Copyright 2018 Karaoke Home Entertainment
MP4000 FAQ
Q: Can I plug in my hard drive?
A: Yes, you can use up to a 1TB hard drive with MP3+G karaoke songs (maximum 5000 songs). The hard drive must
have its own power supply and be formatted to FAT32 prior to being loaded up with songs.
Q: Can I use my TV for the crowd and a monitor for the singer to see?
A: Yes, you can use HDMI (sold separately) or AV yellow to a TV for the lyrics and dually use a VGA (not included)
cable to a monitor for two screens simultaneously.
Q: Can I take the voice / vocal off a disc?
A: If the disc / track is a multiplex song on a supported format you can switch the vocal on and off using the MPX
button on the remote (See page 3)
Q: Can I record myself singing?
A: Yes, you can record your performance when playing either a C D+G or an MP3+G, recording to a USB stick. See
page 8 for instructions.
Q: How do I get my USB stick to work?
A: Once you’ve inserted the USB into the front of the machine you
must press the USB/SD Card button on the
remote until you see USB MODE on the screen and the USB menu will load, there is also a button on the front panel
of the machine for this.
Q: Can I Bluetooth a YouTube video, and the music to the machine?
A: Bluetooth is for audio only, you will be looking at the YouTube video on your phone/tablet device.
Q: Can I play my midi disc in it?
A: No, whils t the machine is a world zoned DVD player, midi discs are made specifically for a specific machine and
are not playable by other machines.
Q: Can I use wireless microphones?
A: Yes, you can purchase and use wireless microphones with this system, the receiver unit just needs one
microphone jack plug, on the MP4000 you have 4 inputs for microphones.
Q: Can I plug my phone in?
A: Yes, you can use the AUX input with a line to line cable from your headphone jack out to play music from your
phone or other device through the machine. Same as Bluetooth it is audio only.
Q: Can I download songs to the machine?
A: You can do MP3+G Karaoke downloads from our site
, you download these directly to
your PC and then copy the songs to a USB or SD Card and the unit runs the songs off the drive.