Reference Monitor Meters User Handbook
Open-collector outputs are low (conducting) when active. Open-collector outputs are rated
at 50mA and 30V. See section Reference Monitor Meters SCi Remote Control Software for
further details on alarm settings.
The AES/EBU Lock output is a real-time (non-latching) status output which becomes active
if a valid AES/EBU signal is detected on the corresponding audio input. The open-collector
output is low (conducting) when a valid AES signal is detected. The active-low control inputs
all have internal pull-ups. Equipment driving these inputs need sink only 1mA and block
3.3V. Asserting the Alarm Reset input by pulling it low resets any active Alarm outputs to
their un-triggered states and allows them to monitor for new alarm conditions.
RS232 Remote Control
A 9-way female D-type connector carries a standard RS232 interface via which advanced
configuration options may be set and many functions may be remotely controlled. The pin
assignments are as follows:
Pin 2: Data transmit
Pin 3: Data receive
Pin 5: Ground
All other pins are unused.
All models of the Reference Monitor Meters will interface directly with personal computer
serial ports at standard RS232 signal levels using a straight-through cable. The data format is
19200 baud with 8 data bits, even parity and 1 stop bit. XON/XOFF flow control is used when
Sonifex SCi software, when installed on a suitable PC, provides straightforward graphical
access to all remote control and configuration options. Alternatively, commands may be
issued from any text-based terminal program (e.g. Hyperterminal) or custom software may
be developed for specific requirements
Sonifex SCi software is available free of charge from the sonifex website -
Force Bootloader Mode – Bank “Settings 1” DIPSwitch 8
This mode should only be used if the unit fails to respond after a firmware upgrade attempt.
With this DIP switch on, the Reference Monitor Meters will force the Bootloader to run and
allow initiation of an update under any circumstances. Once an update has completed, this
switch should be returned to the off position.