4 Network Discovery and Webserver
The Sonifex device can be detected using the Sonifex Discovery Tool and the
device’s webserver may be launched.
Bonjour is available as standard on MAC OS and as plug-in for Internet
Explorer for the ‘Bonjour for Windows’ download. You can also use the
discovery application provided by Sonifex and available for download on the
Sonifex website www.sonifex.co.uk
Running The Webserver
Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers and simply type in the
RB-AEC IP address.
Webserver & Unit Discovery
The RB-AEC uses the Zeroconf networking methodology to allow the unit to
be a “plug and play” device. Just simply connect it to the network and use
it. The unit is assigned an IP address using a DHCP server, or a self-assigned
address using AUTOIP when one isn’t available. The RB-AEC can also use
Bonjour discovery on a network.
Once the RB-AEC has been connected to the network, it will try to obtain
an IP address from a DHCP server on the network. If none is found then the
unit will use Auto-IP to assign itself an IP address.
There is no direct method for you to determine exactly which IP address has
been assigned to the unit. However, using a Bonjour discovery application
or browser plug-in, the unit can be discovered and connected to with
relative ease.
Fig 4-1: The RB-AEC Sonifex Service Discovery Tool