1 Recording
Any application that records from standard wave input devices can be used
to record the audio streams from the FM Radcap PCIe.
Make sure the recording software you are using allows you to select the
audio input devices. The Radcap virtual devices have names such as “FM
Radcap Ch. 1” and “FM Radcap Ch. 2” (or “FM Radcap Ch. 1/2” if stations
are paired).
A recording level control, mute control and peak meter are provided for
each station (or pair of stations) through the devices’ mixer ports (peak
meters are not supported under Windows 2000, and are only accessible
through the mixer API on Windows Vista if the application is set to XP-
compatible mode – new applications written for Windows Vista should use
the Core Audio APIs to access the peak meters).
If recording a large number of channels using any form of audio
compression, be sure to allow sufficient processing power to both capture
the audio and compress it. The Performance Monitor in Windows’ Task
Manager can provide a useful guide to CPU loading.
RDS Decoding
RDS decoding can be enabled in the driver configuration, and the
received information is available through the Radcap API. Refer to the API
description in Appendix A for details.
Be aware that enabling RDS decoding significantly increases the Radcap’s
CPU loading.
For all support matters, go to www.sonifex.co.uk and click on Technical
Support, then Software Downloads. Software and driver updates will be
made available from time to time and will be placed on this website.