AVN-DIO15 Handbook
Network Troubleshooting
If the device does not show up in Dante Controller please check that the
Ethernet cable is correctly connected and that the device and computer are
on the same network.
If the computer and the device are on different IP subnets, the device will
appear in Dante Controller with red text:
Opening the
Device View
for the device will provide details about the
In this example no�ce the device is on the 192.168.1.X subnet and the
computer is on the 10.X.X.X subnet. To access the device, edit the
computer’s IP address.
In Windows 10, type
View Network Connec�ons
into the search bar. Right-
click the network that the device is connected to and select
Double click
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
in the item list and edit
the IP address.
Save the changes made to the se�ngs then close and re-open Dante
Controller. The device should now appear correctly.
if your computer has mul�ple network interfaces on the same
physical network or IP subnet this can lead to unexpected results, in this
case those interfaces can be disabled. To do this in Windows 10, type
Network Connec�ons
into the search bar, right-click the network
connec�on to disable, and select
In Dante Controller the device’s configura�on should now be accessible.
The device can now be configured and the network se�ngs can be
modified so that the device is in the correct IP subnet.
Open the
Device View
for the device and select the
Network Config
Within this tab are op�ons to obtain an IP address automa�cally, or to
configure an IP address manually.
A�er configuring the devices IP address, click the
bu�on, the
device will restart and its IP address will be updated. Reconfigure the
computers IP address to return to the prior IP subnet.
For more troubleshoo�ng informa�on please see the official Dante FAQs at:
And Dante Controller User Guide at:
Fig 5: Red device name indicates network configuration error
Fig 6: Error details
Fig 7: Windows IPv4 settings
Fig 8: Dante Controller - Network Config in Device View
Routing Audio
Audio can be routed seamlessly between each Dante enabled device on the
network by crea�ng connec�ons between the transmit channel of one
device and the receive channel of another device. When a rou�ng is
ini�ally created, an hour glass is displayed to show the connec�on is being
created. A�er a short �me a green �ck is displayed to indicate the
connec�on has been created successfully.
Transmi�ers and receivers can also be filtered by typing a name into the
corresponding filter field. Further filtering op�ons are available from the
filter pane.
To remove a connec�on simply click on the green �ck.
Transmit and receive channels in a diagonal can be quickly routed together
by holding the control key (Ctrl) and clicking on the minimise/maximise
bu�on on the rou�ng grid.
Fig 9: Routed audio stream