AVN-DIO20 Handbook
page shows the current status of both the MADI and AES inputs.
The MADI status displays the currently ac�ve input source along with
sample rate and channel count. The AES status shows the lock status of
each input.
tab has the
page and
page shows the current configura�on of the control port
which is used to access the devices web server. The friendly name and
security op�ons can also be set here.
Friendly Name
The friendly name iden�fies the unit on the network. It is a good idea to
assign a user name or loca�on as this is easily recognised by other users.
The default friendly name is made from the device ID and the 7-digit
product serial number i.e. AVN-DIO20-1234567. The friendly name can only
contain le�ers, numbers and hyphens although it cannot start or end with a
In order to prevent other users connected to the same network from
modifying the configura�on of the device it is possible to protect your
device with a password. The password may be between 4 and 8 characters
long and may only contain numbers and le�ers.
Removing Password Protection
Password protec�on can be removed from a device by clearing both the
‘Password’ and ‘Retype Password’ fields and clicking submit.
The HTTP port number can be set to any integer from ‘1024’ up to and
including ‘65535’, or to ‘80’ the default value. The value entered
determines which port the web server on the device will use. When the
port number is modified the unit will be restarted automa�cally. To view
the web pages of a device with a modified port number, the port number
must be specified in the address bar of the web browser a�er the IP
address and separated by a colon. For example, if the HTTP port of a unit is
set to ‘1024’ and the IP address of the unit is ‘’ then ‘h�p://’ would need to be entered into the address bar of the
web browser. When the port is set to its default value of ‘80’ a port
number doesn’t need to be specified when accessing the web server. The
web server on the unit is adver�sed as an Avahi / Bonjour service so tools
like Sonifex Service Discovery or avahi-browse will be able to discover the
address and port number being used by the unit’s web server.
Address Mode
The address mode determines how the port obtains its IP address. When
set to dynamic, the unit will a�empt to acquire an IP address automa�cally
from either a DHCP server or via auto configura�on if no DHCP server is
found. The actual IP address is shown on the device informa�on page.
When sta�c mode is used, the IP address & subnet mask values entered will
be assigned to the port.
Static IP Address
This is the IP address that will be assigned to the port when sta�c address
mode is selected. It is important to ensure that this IP address is not
currently in use on the network. This value is not used when the address
mode is dynamic.
Static Subnet Mask
This is the subnet mask that will be used for the port when sta�c address
mode is selected. This value is not used when the address mode is dynamic.
Static Gateway
The router IP address used for the port when sta�c address mode is
If the device is in switched mode the secondary Dante network port
se�ngs are not displayed. If any of the network configura�on op�ons are
changed, the unit automa�cally restarts to implement the new se�ngs. If
the address mode of the control port is changed, a new connec�on is made
once the unit has restarted and the IP address assigned via DHCP is known.
Otherwise, the new page will be reloaded automa�cally once the restart of
the unit is complete.
The device page of the configura�on tab provides all the se�ngs related to
the MADI and AES I/O op�ons.
Input Selection
Selects the MADI source from either SFP or BNC. The selected input will
have priority when Auto Fail-over is enabled.
Auto Fail-over
If the selected input loses lock and this op�on enabled, the unit will switch
over to the alterna�ve input if it has a valid signal.
Output Format
The MADI output format (channel count and sample rate) can be set to
replicate the Dante se�ngs or follow the format detected on the MADI
AES3 Outputs
The 8 AES3 outputs can be selected to come from any of the available
Dante receive channels, in blocks of 16 channels. They can also be muted.
The AES3 outputs will match the sample rate of the MADI output.
AES3 Inputs
Normally, all the MADI receive channels will be routed to the Dante
transmit channels, but by using this op�on the 8 AES3 inputs can instead
be selected to be routed to the Dante transmit channels, in blocks of 16
Enable Red LEDs
When this op�on is checked, the status LEDs are lit red when not green.
tab is used for the following;
• Upda�ng the unit.
• Reboo�ng and rese�ng the unit.
Update Firmware
In this sec�on the current firmware version on the connected unit is
shown. New versions of firmware will be released as new features are
added, and when any bug fixes are completed, click on the so�ware
downloads link to visit the firmware downloads webpage of the Sonifex
website. If an update is available for your unit you can download it as a
zipped archive file, you will need to extract the ‘DWN’ file from the archive,
this can be done in Windows by right-clicking the archive and selec�ng
extract all.
Reboot or Factory Reset
The unit can be rebooted using the reboot bu�on, a quick reboot can o�en
fix any issues with the unit, a�er reboo�ng the webpage should
automa�cally be reloaded. The factory reset bu�on restores the unit to
factory se�ngs, restoring the factory se�ngs will also cause the unit to
Bootstrap Mode
In the unlikely event that power is lost during a firmware upgrade then the
unit may enter bootstrap mode. This is a limited firmware set that allows
firmware upgrades to take place to return the unit to a normal working
state. This is indicated by both primary and secondary PoE and Link LEDs
flashing in unison. Firmware updates are performed using a TFTP client
running on a host PC.
Forcing Bootstrap Mode
If you need to force the unit into bootstrap mode, this is done by pressing
and holding the reset bu�on down for more than 5 seconds. A�er 5
seconds the front panel LEDs will start to flash slowly, this indicates that
the unit will be forced into bootstrap mode with a sta�c IP address of If the reset bu�on is held for more than 10 seconds, the
LEDs will flash faster which indicates that the unit will be forced into
bootstrap mode with dynamic mode addressing set. The unit will now
a�empt to get an address from a DHCP server or fall back to a link-local IP
address using Auto-IP. If the reset bu�on is held for more than 15 seconds,
the LEDs will flash even faster and the unit will now perform a factory reset
and clear all of the current configura�on se�ngs.
Upgrading Firmware in Bootstrap Mode
Once the device has been put into bootstrap mode, a TFTP client can be
used to transfer firmware to it. The IP address of the device must be known
- the Sonifex Service Discovery Applica�on can be used to find the IP
address of the device. Many TFTP clients are available, on MS Windows a
free applica�on called TFTPD64 is available. Within TFTPD64, select the