Reducing Feedback/Squeal
Your hearing aid may have the ability to address
feedback (whistle/squeal).
To reduce feedback:
1. Make sure you are in a quiet environment.
2. Press and hold the program button on your hearing
aid for four seconds until you hear the Power Down
: If you do not hear the tones, this feature is not enabled for
your hearing aid.
3. Remove your finger from the program button
and from the vicinity of the hearing aid. You will
hear several bursts of noise. Remain quiet and
stationary while the bursts play.
After your hearing aid is trained you will hear the power
up tones play. Your hearing aid will return to your first
listening program.
The Sound Dome and Speaker Unit
Never expose the speaker unit or sound dome to water.
It will damage the electronics of the hearing aid.
It is important that the speaker unit and the sound
dome fit correctly into your ear. If the speaker unit
or the sound dome irritates your ear in any way and
prevents you from wearing your hearing aid, please
contact your hearing healthcare professional.
The sound dome should be changed if it becomes stiff
or brittle.
We recommend that you have your hearing healthcare
professional change the sound domes for you. If your
hearing healthcare professional instructs you to change
the sound domes yourself, make sure that they are
securely fastened to the speaker unit before you insert
them in your ear. A failure to change the sound domes
in accordance with these instructions could result in
personal injury.