Headset Socket
The multi
function headset socket located on the base of the USB
RSM is designed
to allow a wide range of compatible communications headsets to be connected.
Headsets are available for Motorcycle Helmet use, Public Order, Firearms,
Fireground and all operational requirements, where a headset is required to be used,
rather than microphone and receive audio being presented from the USB
RSM or
into a receive earpiece.
Earpiece Jack Socket
RSM earpiece uses a custom design keyed jack connector to ensure
a waterproof IP67 connection when the earpiece accessory is plugged in. Alternative
or non
approved earpiece accessories may damage the USB
RSM and invalidate the
warranty. Sound pressure levels using non
approved earpieces may exceed safe
volume levels, resulting in hearing damage.
Connecting the Earpiece:
The earpiece jack connector needs to
be orientated with the lock/unlock symbols facing to the front of the
RSM, as shown in Fig.1, to allow the jack to be inserted.
To lock the connector into the USB
RSM, rotate the connector
through 90⁰ so the cable runs vertically upwards or
To disconnect the earpiece connector, rotate the connector so
the lock/unlock symbols face to the front of the USB
RSM (as
shown in image). Pull the jack from the socket by holding the
body of the plug, not the cable as this may cause undue
Connecting the earpiece jack to the USB
RSM will disconnect the USB