Turning the Alarm On and Choosing Waking Options
The Sonic Boom clock can wake you with any combination of flashing lamp, pulsating
audio alarm, and shaking bed. To turn on the alarm, you must set the OUTLETS switch
to the LAMP, VIB (vibrator), or BOTH positions. This sets the alarm to go off at the
alarm time which you have preset. To tell you that the alarm is set, the clock’s Alarm Set
light will turn on.
If you set the OUTLETS switch to OFF, the audio alarm will not sound.
Use the chart below to set the alarms you want to wake up to:
Audio Alarm only
Volume ON
Tone Adjusted
OUTLETS switch set to LAMP, VIB, or BOTH
Flashing Light (with Audio On or Off)
Light connected and turned ON
OUTLETS switch set to LAMP
Volume ON or OFF, depending upon your preference
Vibrator (with Audio On or Off)
Vibrator connected
Vibrator switch set to either STEADY or PULSE
OUTLETS switch set to VIB (vibrator)
Volume ON or OFF, depending upon your preference
Flashing Light and Vibrator (with Audio On or Off)
Vibrator and Lamp Connected
OUTLETS switch set to BOTH
Volume ON or OFF, depending upon your preference
Using the Volume and Tone Controls
You use the VOLUME control knob to turn the audio alarm on or off and to adjust the
volume. To increase volume, rotate the knob toward you. To turn the audio alarm off,
rotate the knob away from you until you feel it click.
You use the TONE control knob to adjust the pitch of the audio alarm. For a lower pitch
alarm, rotate the knob toward you. For a higher pitch, rotate it away from you.