Sonance Silhouette I Brochure Download Page 2

No matter what form

nature’s beauty takes– 

the grace of drifting clouds, the

rippling sound of a river, 

the glowing brilliance of a sunset–

they all share one thing: the power

to move us. That same power is

shared by the unique capability we

call the Sound of Sonance.

Nothing embodies the Sound

of Sonance as profoundly 

as Sonance Silhouette speakers,

simply the finest in-wall speaker

available today. Combining years of

research with stunning aesthetics,

the Sonance Silhouette speakers

represent state-of-the-art, in-wall

technology. They are the first 

S i l h o u e t t e


F O R   L O V E

O F   N A T U R E ,

O F B E A U T Y,

O F   M U S I C

T E C H N O L O G Y   E V O L V E S  
In pursuit of sonic purity, after
years of research resulting in a
library of knowledge, Sonance
Silhouette was born.

