5. place components
- place CtX transmitter high, preferably on same height as Cls and CsW speakers
- place CVm volume control high on same level as CtX.
(CVX external master volume, which connects to CVm, can be placed anywhere)
- secure Cls speakers in tracks (or on wall using wallbracket).
- place CsW subwoofer on wall using wallbracket, preferably on same height as CtX trasnmitter
6. connect ctX transmitter to a sound source
A. Computer
Mac setup
1. Insert CTX transmitter via USB extension cord to a free USB socket.
2. Go to System Preferences, choose Sound under Hardware.
3. Click Sound Output in menu, choose “SONAB”.
pC setup
please do following setup before using music playing software.
1. Insert CTX transmitter via USB extension cord to a free USB socket.
Wait until software has been
installed. (see lower right hand corner, message window will open when sound device is ready to
For some pC computers you may need to perform these settings:
2. Click start button, go to Control panel and choose sound & sound devices.
3. under playback of audio, default unit, choose “soNaB”.
B. Connecting CTX transmitter to other soundsource
If CTX transmitter is connected to any other sound source than computer (such as CD-player, iPod/
iPhone/iPad dock, cellphone, Airport Express), it must be connected by cable to a line out/headphones
out. CTX will need to be connected to supplied USB power supply.
7. connect all components to power
8. setting different volume in the volume zones
use CVm volume control to set each volume zone individually. push button to toggle between volume
zone a to F, and back to master volume. (master volume effects all zones.)
10. check wireless status
all components has a lED light to indicate wireless status.
BluE light: wireless connection ok.
Red light: wireless connection fail (or standby).
installing the cEX extender
please read CEX specific manual in CEX carton.