To save this
montage, press the “Save as” button (green arrow) and enter a name as depicted in the
figure below. After clicking the
“OK” button, the new montage will appear in the list of available
Having completed the initialization steps (see chapter 6.1 of the main manual), you can proceed to
attaching the PLM sensors which is described in the next chapter.
3 Applying the sensors
Clean the places where you want to fix the PLM- electrodes with Nuprep.
Apply the PLM electrodes at the Musculus Tibialis Anterior of each leg between knee and ankle as
shown in the figure below and connect them to the corresponding sensor electrodes. You will need
three electrodes for PLM1 and two for PLM2. Fix the cables with some adhesive tape so that the
recording won’t be disturbed by their movement.
Due to
Intelligent Connect™ you can plug the PLM sensor arbitrarily in one of the two sockets. If you
are using the ECG sensor as well, it does not matter which sensor gets connected to which socket.