Programming Group Addresses:
Assigning group addresses allows any number of motors connected to multiple motor controllers to respond from the
same command. A group address may comprise motors/motor controllers from an entire facade, floor, building or motor
controllers from a single office. Each channel can be programmed with up to 16 group addresses.
To program a group address for channel 1, ensure channel 1 is selected under MoCo channels. From the Group Address
(HEX) field select the group address from the drop down menu in which to program. In the text box directly to the right,
enter the 3 byte (6 digit) hex (0-9, A-F) address. To program this to the motor controller click the Set button. The group
address can be programmed to any of the 16 group address locations (0-15).
Similarly, to program group address for channel 2, ensure the channel 2 is selected under MoCo channels and follow the
same process.
To read an address, choose the group address from the drop down menu and click the Get button. The group address
should appear in the text box directly to the right.
Node Label:
This field allows the programmer to assign up to a 32 digit label to the associated channel. This could indicate
a room number or office number.
Lock Status:
Locking an individual channel or group prevent those motors from responding to any bus line commands that
of which are at a priority level below the lock status. For example, locking a conference room shades at the lower position
with a priority level greater the default value will prevent any switches outside the conference room from operating the
Once the lock command is selected choose a priority value between 0-255. If a priority value of 5 is chosen, an unlock
command with a priority value greater or equal to 5 must be sent in order to return the individual channel or group back to
normal operating conditions.