4.2.4 Press the two release levers on the backrest frame (push handle tubes) to fold the
backrest down for compact storage and easy transport. (See Figure 4.8)
4.2.5 Folding is now completed.
Figure 4.6
Figure 4.6.1
Figure 4.6.2
Figure 4.7
Figure 4.8
● Be careful not to get your fingers caught when folding the wheelchair.
4.3 Important DOs and DON'Ts
4.3.1 DO: Keep axles clean and lubricated with light oil or maintenance spray.
4.3.2 DO: Maintain correct tyre (tire) pressure if using pneumatic tyres (tires).
4.3.3 DO NOT: Try to remove the wheels while the wheelchair is occupied even when
using anti-tippers.
4.4 Footplate Height
4.4.1 To adjust footplate height use the Karma tool provided to loosen the bolt at the
bottom of the footrest arm.
4.4.2 Adjust to required height and re-tighten. (See Figure 4.11)