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neither party is ready to send or receive data.
At position „C‟ the counterpart sends a signal that it is ready to receive data. At this
time, EZL-80c has any data to send, it sends the data to the user‟s processor.
At position „D‟ EZL-80c sends a signal that it is ready to receive data. Now both the
parties send and receive data.
At position „E‟ EZL-80c receives a signal from the user‟s processor that the latter is
not ready to receive data and holds any data to transmit until CTS becomes active.
If Flow Control Is Unused
In case the user‟s processor does not use flow control, it‟s OK to connect only RXD,
TXD, GND signals between user‟s processor and EZL-80c.
And user should set RTS/CTS to NONE by using ezConfig or ezSerialConfig.