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It is reserved.
This option shows whether SSL is enabled or not. But it can‟t be set with ezcfgmp but
console with “env ext”.
To enable a REMOTE SEARCH function, enable this option.
MUX Type
This option is for setting the communication mode of EZL-410 among T2S, ATC, COD,
and U2S.
Local IP Address
If EZL-410 is set as multi IP address, this item is for the IP address of each COM ports.
Each IP addresses should be in a same subnet.
Local Port
It defines local ports of each COM ports.
Peer IP Address
It defines peer IP addresses of each COM ports.
Peer Port
It defines peer port of each COM ports.
When EZL-410 operates as TCP such as T2S, COD and ATC, connection is closed if
data communication is not continued as long as the time set to this item unless this is set
to 0 (unit: second)
Baud Rate
It defines the speed of each COM ports.