Solinst Levelogger 3001 Communications Manual Download Page 3

Levelogger Deployment & Communication

High Quality Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring Instrumentation

Standard (Wireline/Kevlar Cord) Communication

To retrieve data or re-program, remove the Levelogger from the well 
and use an 

Optical Reader

 attached to a portable or office computer.



A Direct Read to Optical Adaptor allows direct 

connection of a Levelogger to a Levelogger App 

Interface or DataGrabber for programming or 

downloading data in the field. This is useful for 

Leveloggers not deployed using a Direct Read Cable. 

A slip fit version is also available.  

Direct Read Communication

Pre-program Leveloggers in the office using an Optical Reader. In 
the field use a laptop and PC Interface Cable, to program, view or 
download data. 

The Direct Read Communication Package


Solinst includes an Optical Reader and PC Interface Cable.

A DataGrabber 

connected to a Direct Read 
Cable allows Levelogger 
data to be copied to a 
USB memory key.

PC Interface 


Levelogger App 


to a Direct Read 
Cable provides a 




connection between 
the Levelogger 
and the Solinst 
Levelogger App on 
your iOS or Android™ 
smart device, for 
programming or 
downloading data


Communicating with Solinst Levelogger PC Software

In-field Communication

The Bluetooth


 word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Solinst Canada Ltd. is under license. 

iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.    Android is a trademark of Google Inc. 

Communication Options
