ZL-HOA-4-8 REV. 1 Copyrights
. 4215 KIRCHOFF ROAD , ROLLING MEADOWS ILL. 60008 USA TEL 847-394-3333 FAX 847-394-8083 PAGE -
HOA-5 and -9 electronic modules allow the installer or the operator to
selectively change the state of up to 4 (HOA-5) or 8 (HOA-9) Digital
Outputs and one Analog Output to operate Automatically, Overridden to
be ON all the time or Overridden to be OFF.
Besides these capabilities, each of the outputs and the 24 VAC power
input are protected from high current draw (up to 3 Amps) by means of
solid state reset-able fuses. Transorbs (fast response Varistors) provide
additional protection from high voltage surges, electrical noise, spikes
and transients.
These modules also have one built-in Analog Output Override channel.
The Analog Output generated by a controller can be overridden by an
adjustable 0-10 VDC output source, supplied by the HOA Module.
Toggling the Analog Output switch to ON will allow the user to adjust
the output to any desired 0-10 VDC signal, via a built-in potentiometer.
If the switch is selected as OFF, no voltage will be produced at the
output. Returning the switch to the AUTO position will put the
Controller back inline with the Analog Output.
When a digital output is overridden, each overridden output will send an
analog voltage to the 0-10 VDC override output feedback terminal. This
voltage can be read by the Controller to detect the number of HOA-9
outputs being overridden or which outputs are overridden, for the
HOA-5. This allows for remote detection and alarm capability if any of
the Digital Outputs are in a state other than Automatic mode of
Solid state thermal fuses located on each output go into high resistance
state due to thermal heating and protects the Digital Outputs from
damage due to over current passing through them.
Each output and 24 VAC Input further has a voltage Transient
suppressors that they clip any voltage spikes over 40 volts of peak
amplitude. These protections are critical for reliable operation of any
microprocessor based controller that is driving the outputs. By clipping
high voltage and frequency transients and spikes, the effect of these
electrical noise signals are reduced drastically and much safer and
cleaner operation can result.
Note :
Most all inductive loads, such as contactors, relays, motors,
solenoids and loads alike, when they are switched on and especially
switched off, can generate a very sharp voltage spikes, eventually
producing damaging arcing at a high frequency (due to rate of change
of voltage).
Electrical noise can travel over the 24 VAC power line and/or through
the air as RF signals and can couple on to foils of PC boards causing
damage or malfunctions.
Once they travel, they try to find the minimum resistive path to earth
ground. During this event, the noise may disturb the balance of the low
voltage microprocessor circuitry and cause damage or noise to be
processed as data, resulting in unexpected operation. Often, this type
instability in the processor will cause data to become corrupt and the
processor to lock up in a state that where it can not get out.
Hence, all information and data processing can stop, outputs and inputs
may freeze at undesirable states until the problem is corrected.
a. Number of
Digital Output
Channels : 4 (HOA-5)
8 (HOA-9)
b. Number of
Analog 0-10 VDC
Channels: 1 (Both HOA-5,-9)
c. Digital Output Select:
(Controlled by a controller)
(No voltage, open)
( Typically applied 24 VAC )
d. Analog Output Select :
(0-10 VDC from controller)
(No voltage, open)
(User adjusted 0-10VDC)
e. Digital Output Protection: Resettable 3 Amp
Solid State Fuse
f. Digital Output and Power Input Transient protection:
Transorb protection,
Min. voltage 64.5 V peak,
Peak pulse power : 600 Watts,
Steady state : 2.5Watts
Response time : 5 nanoseconds
g. Override Output Signal : 0-10 VDC
16 combinations; 0.625 V per bit
8 =1.25 V per Overridden output
Input Voltage : 24 VAC
Power Consumption : 0.5 VA
External DC Power supply : Unregulated 12 to 18 VDC
Analog Output Drive capacity : 10 K
load at 10 VDC
Analog Feedback Output capacity : 10 K
load at 10 VDC
Override Switches : 2 pole 3 throw , 3 Amps @ 24 VAC
Input and Digital Output Terminals :12 Terminals, 3 dedicated to
24 VAC Power Inputs
Analog Input and Feed back Terminals : 5 Terminals
The HOA-5 module switch combinations will produce the following
voltages on the Feedback Output:
Any one output is overridden: 1 VDC
Any 2 outputs are overridden: 2 VDC
Any 3 outputs are overridden: 3 VDC
All 4 outputs are overridden: 4 VDC
The HOA-9 module switch combinations will produce the following
voltages on the Feedback Output:
Any one output is overridden: 1 V DC
Any 2 outputs are overridden: 2 V DC
Any 3 outputs are overridden: 3 V DC
Any 4 outputs are overridden: 4 V DC
Any 5 outputs are overridden: 5 V DC
Any 6 outputs are overridden: 6 V DC
Any 7 outputs are overridden: 7 V DC
All 8 outputs are overridden: 8 V DC
--------See fig. 1----------