SSL Live Installation Information
Dual Console System with Blacklight from each console
Two L500 Plus Control Surfaces (FOH and Monitors) shown with optional local IO, additional Co-ax
MADI interface and optional 4 port BL II Blacklight interface to provide 32 analogue IO and 16 AES IO
at the consoles, 12 MADI ports plus MADI FX Loop.
2 pairs of Blacklight II connections provide 2 x 256 channels to/from stage using fibre up to <300m
(quality cables, connections and no intermediate connections).
FOH Console has redundant Blacklight II Fibre connections to A port of the BL II.D Blacklight MADI
Monitor Console redundant Blacklight II Fibre connections to B port of the BL II.D Blacklight MADI
FOH console controls the Mic Amp Gain, Monitor console uses Gain Sharing to adjust local levels.
1 off BLII.D Blacklight II MADI concentrator provides 4 redundant on-stage MADI ports connected
3 off additional I.32 stageboxes provide an additional 96 Mic/Line inputs
1 off additional D 32.32 AES boxes provide 32 AES digital IO
Co-axial MADI connected IO
1 off ML O.32 stagebox provides 32 line outputs on stage from Monitor console
Total IO of 96 Mic/Line Inputs, 32 Line Outputs, 32 AES IO, 36 GP inputs, 30 GP Outputs
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